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Author's note:

P.s. I named your son. I'm so happy to name your son without your permission ( sorry readers, didn't want to keep showing like: (son's name )
And like that) and his name is..... Akashi Sora, but for now it's (Surname) Sora. ;)

-your POV-


I suddenly turn around to focus the high pitched voice and I kneel next to him.

"Hmmm? Yes, Sora?"

"Everyone at school... They keeps talking about their daddy.... And I wonder. Where my daddy?"

Ah, never thought that this day would come at such an early age.

"Your daddy-" I clear my throat. "-Your daddy is a special person in my heart, but your daddy is too busy fighting the bad guys. While your mommy has to take care of you and you have to go to school." I smile at him.

"Oh. I just wanted to know. That's all....  Is there any way that I can ever talk to daddy and being him to school? It's going to be Father's Day cel-la-bration  and Mrs. Lockster said that we can bring our daddy.

"How about we send him a message if he hear it?"

I grab the fake radio that we made together.
"We miss, miss, miss you! Come receive our message daddy. We miss you!" We say it in a unison.
"Let's hope that daddy does get the message, okay?" I touch his cheek and my eyes get watery

"Hmm, mommy. Why are you crying?"
"I'm not crying. I'm just tired, but do you want to go to the cities to get some stuff? Mommy have to go there cause Aunt Sakura asked me to get some stuff."

"Mommy, last question. how does daddy look like?"
"He's handsome with a red haired and eyes like you, but I'm going to leave you if you don't hurry up."
He nods and quickly to grab his stuff.

Akashi's POV:

A couple of knock brings my attention and I look at the door.

"Mr. Akashi, you have a visitors. "
"Visitors?" I question then I chuckle as I see them.
"Wow, Akashichi seems so fancy now since he is helping his dad with the company." The blonde boy fixes his hair immediately he sees my mirror.
I sigh
"Huh? No porno in here captain?"
"I'm working guys, I'll have Asami escort you guys if you're distracting me."
"N-nanodayo, h-how could you!?! We just wanted to ask you-"
"-I must've forgot my sweets again."
"Hello Akashi." The light blue haired boy greet me with a smile

"I feel like the only normal one is Tetsuya." I cross my arms together.

"We're here because we wanted to know if you wanted to play some ball later with us." Tetsuya nods
"And it requires to have Five people to ask me?" I question them.
They all nod

"We will see if I can-"
Then they all give me the look like 'really?'
"Fine, but it seems that you guys will be helping me later with my work. Any work. "
"Whoohoo, going to whip all of everyone's butt!" Daiki immediately leaves the room happily and each of them follow him, but Tetsuya.

"Day by day, I think (y/n) would've love to play with us too. " Tetsuya sadly smile and leave.

I look at the picture one more time and touch her face.

"I know." As my finger trace her face.

Your POV

It would be such a big risk to go to the cities, but you had to do it for Sakura. She was the one who kindly took care of you after you left everyone. She didn't question your past and simply helped you. She saw that you were a lost child and need some guide. You can't thank her enough, so you do anything for her.

"Mommy, can we get ice cream after we get everything?"
I look at him and grab his both of his cheek and lean in
"Wow, you are a sweet tooth. I will think about if we have time, okay? But I can't promise you that if we do."
Sora sadly nod and you feel guilty.

I look at the list that Aunt Sakura want for her house.
-Herbal tea
-( vegetable you hate )
- tiger balm

I slowly chuckle as I read them them one by one.

"Let's do this quick and hopefully we can go to the park then, Sora. "
Sora eagerly nod his head and we both start to have fun by rolling the cart.

Seijuro's POV

I loosen my tie and unbutton my collar as I approach the basketball court.
"Yo, Akashi is here."
"Always the late one."
"Why? It's seems like no one is in a rush to go home, if you are. Then excuse me-" I retort back
"-No, no! We were kidding. " Kise wave his hand in the air

"Losers buy the winning team, hmm, sushi?" I suggest.
"Agree." They say it in an unison
"So we are in an odd-"
"Can't forget to add the Ex-Teiko captain." I turn around and recognize the masculine voice.

I see Shuzo with Asami wrapping her arm around his.
"Even team now, so play? I need to get work done and if I don't, I have my lovely old teammates to help me." I look at them. They each nervously shake their head and I shrug my shoulders.
"Let the game begin."

Your POV:

"Here's one for you Sora. Your favorite ice cream." He takes the ice cream and lick it
Without looking at Sora, I pay the cashier with the money.
"Okay, now let's go back home- Sora?" I look down and he was gone.

Sora's POV

I finish eating the yummy ice cream and walk around. I look diagonally and spot some color red, yellow, green, purple, light b-blue,dark b-blue , and black haired scary tall men playing basketbull.

I slowly finish my cone and savor the last part. I approach to them and then a pretty lady with black hair walk to me.
"Hi, what's your name?"
I ignore her
"Mommy said to not talk to stranger."
She laugh
"She is right, well my name is Asami then. We're not stranger no more, right? Where's your mom and dad?"
I shrug my shoulders

"My name is Sora. I walk away from mommy cause I saw the rainbow boys playing basketbull." I point to them
Then the ball roll at my feet
"Oi, Asami! Get the ball over here! Who's that boy?"

She looks at me and give me a nod if I want to pick the ball up. I nod my head up and down and quickly grab the ball.
I walk to the court and see the tall people play

"Oh, aren't you cute?" The yellow hair boy rest his hand on his knees.
I give out a nasty look and walk pass him.
"His name is Sora and he walked away from his mom." Asami laughs
"What a savage, want to be my buddy?" The dark blue haired man extend his arm to give me high five.
I nod.
I hold the ball and then I slowly walk to the hoop

"You play?" I hear behind me.
"Hm!" Then I throw the ball with all my might then it goes in.
"Wow, isn't it ironic that he looks like Akashi too?"
I see the red hair tall man grab the ball
"You're good for a young age."
"Daddy?" I whisper

He's handsome with a red haired and eyes like you

Then I quickly run to him

-end of chapter-

Lol, I was trying to write it quick, but they will not know that it's you.


The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now