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(a/n)'s note: I am truly sorry that I haven't been updating. When you get to college, you will understand what I mean. I've been so busy and I still need to write my Oikawa x Reader. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you for those who are still patient and reading my fan-fiction. Much love,


-Your POV-


i AM GOinG TO FiND mY daDdY iN th3 citi3s. I wiLL N0t be HOM3. Dont wurRy ab0ut ME. I luv U and i will calL U laTer.


"Sora!" I place the paper to my chest and shake my head.

"Aunt (y/fn), sorry. I didn't stop him. I wanted Sora to have a dad and be okay." Nana looks away and I pat her head

"Well, I am going to look for him. Please look after my house if I don't come back." I look at Aunt Sakura and she nods. I go to the door and jog to my house.

"Let me go with you, (y/fn)."

"Shun, please stay. It will make your aunt-"

"No, she can stay and look after. For me coming with you will not make you over-whelm at least."

I nod and head to the cities to look for Sora.

-Sora's POV-

"Kiddo, we're here." I look at the nice uncle that who was willing to drive me here.

"Uncle, how much?" I take out my blue shark wallet as I set my suitcase down.

"Look kid, it's on me. Your story was the pay for the trip, but be safe at least in the cities. Okay? Good luck finding your dad."

He smiles and then wave at me as he drive off. I bow down and then I grab my suitcase. I smile as I look at the tall building.

"Okay, time to find dad." I place the contact card into my pocket and enter in.

-Your POV-

"C'mon Seijuro, please pick up."

I redial his phone number and then hope he pick the phone.

"Urgh, damn!"

I hang up and see that we still have an hour left before we enter the city.

-Sora's POV-

I sit on the bench and then I patiently wait for uncle Seijuro to come out.

"That lady said that he's still in the meeting, but I hope he can see me soon. I think he would be very surprise."

" Assistance Asami, please get my car out soon as possible by the time I get there in 10 minutes. Yes, I would. I like it bitter. I want to walk for 10 minutes before I depart from the company. Will you call Mr. (Y/n)? Yes, thank you. Bye bye."

A pretty lady who looks like younger than Aunt Sakura walks out and drop her papers onto the floor.

"Oh shoot." She begin to pick it up as she place her phone in her pocket.

I slowly jog to her and pick up the papers by one.

"Pretty lady, you drop your papers."

She looks at me and smile.

" Oh, thank you sweet heart. " I give her the papers and look at her. For some reason she looked like my mommy.

"Where are your parents?" She recollect the paper in one and wait for my response.

The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now