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Flashback ( that I didn't add to the other book): Your POV -----> during the time when the creepy guy was anonymously texting you.

"Seijuro?" I calmly look at him.
"What if we can't ever be together?"
I ask in a serious tone with sadness.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know. I'm just saying. I don't tend to believe life like a fairy tale."
"Is something bothering you, (y/n)?" He grab my hand.
"I believe that we will be together. By fate or not. We can always rewrite our destiny. I know when I'm right and I'm not scared to lose me, but you." He tucks my hair behind my ear.
"What about our love then? What if-"
"I believe we can choose to forget or remember our love. You have the freedom to choose, but from what I know. " he points to his heart
"I love you and I am not going to go anywhere without you."
Then he slowly place his warm lips onto mine.

-Seijuro's POV-

Suddenly I feel tiny arms wrap around my legs.
I look down and he smiles at me.
"Daddy! I found you!" He begin to laugh
I chuckle and ruffle through his hair
"Wow, a father figure." Daiki comment
"This is scary, but I can picture you as a father Seijuro." Asami look at us.

"Hey kid. I'm sorry, but I'm not your dad. Let's go find your mom and d-"
"-no!" He hugs me harder
They look at me and laugh.
"How about we find your mommy first, okay? She must be worry about you."
He eagerly shake his head

-your pov:

Sora, oh my gosh. Where are you?
I look around and look back. I sprint to the play ground, but see no red hair boy.
I go in circles and finally whimper in fear.
What should I do, Seijuro?

My fingers goes through my hair and I sigh heavily.
Then I look diagonally from me where I can see the basketball court. I see a tiny red haired boy facing me, but still talking to the stranger.
I slowly begin to jog, but as I come closer.
My heart suddenly stops and I stand there.
"S-Seijuro?" I whisper his name.

Sora's POV

"Where should we look for mommy?"
I found daddy, yay! Mommy would be excited!
I ask the tall man who can be my daddy.
"I don't know. Maybe start where you bought the ice cream?" He smiles
"Hm!" I nod my head
"Daiki, Shintaro, Ryouta, Asami, Shuzo, and Tetsuya. I will bring the child to his mom. You guys can go to the restaurant first. "
"Man, what a father! I think we can wait, beside we were the one who told you to play basketball with us. It's no big deal. I like this kid." Daiki pats My head.
"What's your mommy name?" The red eyes man ask me.
"Um. Mommy?" I answer.
They all laugh together.
I frown.
As I look behind, I see mommy slowly approach to us.
"Mommy!" Then I run to her.

-your POV:

Sora hugs me and I kneel down to hug him, but I move in the direction where they see my back.
Oh my gosh. They're all here. I miss you guys so much, but I can't show up like this.
"Let's go, okay?" I whisper his ear
Then he hold my hand and pull to me to Seijuro as I get up.
"Mommy! I found daddy! I found him! Look!"
I have to act different. I can do this.
I turn around and smile.
"Hello." I bow and then I see all of their expressions.

"(Y/n)?" Seijuro steps up to me.

I pretend to look behind me and give out a confusion face.

"I'm sorry, what?" I question Seijuro.
I look at each of them and they couldn't say anything at all.

"I'm thankful that you guys took care of my son. We have to get going, so have a nice evening. " I bow one more time.
Then I walk, but Sora wouldn't move.
"Let's go Sora."
"You said daddy was-"
"-I'm sorry. I mistook you as someone else. Say, why don't you and your son come with us to go eat?" Seijuro offers and I shake my head.

"We have to get going... I appreciate it though. Thank you. Sora, let's go home. Aunt Sakura is waiting for us. "
"Yes mommy." Then we both leave them at the park.

As we walk to our car, tears begin to trickle down and wet my shirt.

"Why are you crying mommy?"
"Cause I miss someone, that's all." Then I start the engine and leave. I look in the mirror one more time to see them together.

Seijuro's POV:

Everyone sit in the chair and no one say anything. We look down with sadness.
She looks like (y/n).
"Okay! Let's just eat this ( your favorite dish)!" Daiki grabs the chopstick and rub them together.
"This was (y/n)'s favorite dish...." Tetsuya comments
Then slowly we all were fill with sadness and grief
"Minna ( everyone ), (y/n) is dead. She's in the past now. I'm sure she in a better place. She's just exactly look like (y/n). " I clench my fist
"Yeah, you're right. She's in a better place now.  She would want us to move on." Asami sadly wipes her eyes.
"Please excuse me, I'll pay for dinner. I have a lot of work to do." I place the bill on the table.
"Have a good night and see you whenever."
I walk out of the restaurant and begin to think the person who only is truly to to my heart.

-end of chapter -

I'm rushing it, am I? 😱


The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now