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"Be (y/n) again and marry me."

The words echo in my head and I'm speechless with his request.
"B-but, I'm not (y/n). I'm sorry that-" I shake my head in disapproval.

"(Y/n), you will do what I will say." Seijuro's eyes gaze at with a serious tone. 

"-But I don't think-" I stand up to leave, but then Seijuro wrap his arms around me.

"(y/n). Please don't play this card. I know what you're doing. The reason why you left us because you didn't want to 'harm' us, but in the end it was you who ended hurting me. I'm tired of being sad and angry, I don't have time for that. If I am then I'm wasting my time. I've been in pain for the passed six years thinking that you're really dead. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm tired of being sad and angry... I didn't get to witness Sora growing up... I going to have it my way now and not yours."

Tears slowly drip on Akashi's shoulders and I scoot back. Seijuro wipe the tears away and smile.

"Now, you don't have to listen to me... But I want you to do a contract with me then."

I nod.

"Contract is that you have to marry me for the next hundred years. Till death do us apart, so will you marry me then? (First name) (Surname)?"

Then I agree with a kiss on his lips.

Marriage Licensed:

"Do we have two witness? Oh my, you do have more than two witness. Just sign here." The front desk lady point for Seijuro and I to sign.

I turn around to see my family and friends. Daiki, Tetsuya, Ryouta, Murasakibara, Midorima, Nijimura with Asami, Eito with his fiancee, and my parents. 

We already planned that we were going to make it simple and didn't want a wedding. Of course, we were going to our honeymoon in a couple of days.

"Okay, congrats on your marraige Mr. Akashi and Mrs. Akashi.

My heartbeat skips as I hear that surname. 

I'm not a (surname) no more, I'm an Akashi now.

"Well congrats to the newly weds!" Asami hugs me and I thank her.

"What? That's it?" Sora complains and cross his arms. He frowns and look away.

"What do you mean little guy?" We all focus on Sora with thoughts.

"WHERE'S THE KISS?" Sora's arms flies in the air and rub his temple.

"Oh, that? Can do." I suddenly feel Seijuro's snake around my waist and I look at his red-blood eye's. He chuckle and then leans for my mouth. His tongue enter my wet cavern and I stay still as I hear Sora laughing in the background.

"HAHAHA, YES! Mommy got kissed by daddy! I WIN UNCLE DAIKI!" 

Couple days earlier:

"Everyone, I am sorry that I hid from you guys for six years and had no contact with anyone. I made everyone think that I was dead, but really I'm still alive. What happen was that I fell from the roof and I somehow landed on a soft surface while Akio landed on the frozen river. I did go to my funeral and I saw everyone. I couldn't put you guys in danger, so I went to the village that wasn't too far from here. I gave birth to Sora and raised him with the help of Aunt Sakura. Yes, before the winter cup... Seijuro and I did some activity that we weren't suppose to do, but I got carried away. Anyways,  I didn't expect to see Eito and Seijuro to come to my village that day after six years, but of the company you guys were building in my town; I saw them. For what I did on my selfish act and everything, I am sorry. I'm sorry that I put everyone into grief, pain, or angry. You guys don't have to talk with me and I don't expect anything. I can say that I miss you all and you guys were in  my head all of times. That is what happened." I bow down to all of them as I hear them sniffles. 

"It's okay, we love you no matter what sis." Eito hugs for me and one by one, we have a group hug.

It feels good to be home.

"-So how did the sex go? I didn't know you and Akashi had intercourse back in-"




"Mr. & Mrs. Akashi, your plane will departure in 15 minutes."

"Ready (y/n)?" He sticks out his hand to me.

"Ready Sei." Then I entwine my fingers with his.

-end of oneshot-

OMFG, sorry if it's rushed or anything. OMG. LOLOLOL. 

I am close to endingthis book. :'(


IF YALL DON'T WANT TOO THEN, I guess one or two chapters I will mark it 'completed'

The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now