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" Sora should be dismiss soon from the hospital, he's tremendously recovering fast. He's so far a healthy boy and had gained more energy."

I sigh in relief and then the doctor walk away from me. I pinch Sora's cheek.

"Hear that? My little man is healthy cause mommy make you eat your vegetables. Tomorrow, we will be going back home. Okay, Sora?" I smile, but then he looks down.

"I don't want to go back home. I want to stay here with dad- I mean Seijuro and Uncle Eito." He fist his hand into a ball and I sigh.

"Sora, we have to go home. our home is with Aunt Sakura and your friends over there. Mommy can't leave her job, okay? Also, Seijuro isn't your father. "

"H-he is my daddy. I just know it! I have a feeling that-"

"-Sora!" I raise my voice.

"Yes mommy." Sora bite his lips. "Seijuro is not my daddy. I will go home and eat my favorite dish. "

"Good, when we go home. I will make your favorite dish in a celebration for you coming from hospital." 

"What's the rush? Seriously, (y/fn)? My family want to see Sora, so they decided to throw a little feast at my house tonight. Come by 8:30 p.m. After the dismissal. Don't be late." Seijuro comes through the door.

"Oh, we don't want to bother-"

"Please do come. We will be expecting you to come and stay at our house for another night before you leave. We have to return the favor.  I will send one of my butler to fetch you both. I have to go home and organize. "

Seijuro closes the door and I see Sora opening his mouth to say something, but I stop him.

"Okay. Just one night." I cut him off and he smile.

Flashback: 6 years ago

"Seijuro, come back here."

I dribble the ball and smirk while I target my eyes at him. I look at his ruby eyes and see that he's sweating from the basketball match. He calmly walk to me and then sprint to me.

I go to my right side and then shoot for the hoop, but his hands block me and steal the ball. He jump and throw the ball to score one point.

"What! That was cheating." Seijuro let a smile creek on his face and look at me.

I head to my house, but he calls my name.

"(Y/n) 1."

I stay still and look at him.

"(Y/n) 2."

"Not with the (y/n) numbers. You said that you only say them when I'm lying or not listening to you Seijuro. "

I pout. I knew that I wasn't listening to him.
I scoff and then cross my arms together. I walk to him and avoid eye contact.

"You know what happens when it gets to three (y/n). (Y/n)-"


"I think it was a fair play. This is the way we play basketball. You know that. " Seijuro open his arms for a hug and I scoot back.

"How immature then I guess no good night hugs then."

He slowly walk to his house and leaving me behind.

I sprint to him and grab his cheeks with my hand to kiss on his lips. He softly chuckle. " Now that is cheating. That was without my consent and knowledge. "

"Ha, then you can get me back whenever then. Bring it on Seijuro." As I walk to my home.

End of flashback

Dinner :

"Sorry that we came late, I had to do paperwork at the hospital." I bow down to Seijuro and Eito.

"My family had to leave due to an important message, so my parents didn't stay. My girlfriend had just left too. I am going to get going because I still have to go paperwork. I hope you can forgive me, (y/fn). I hope I can make it up for you. " Eito gives me a hug and then leave to the door.

This house bring so much memories.

"Are you hungry?" I shake my head and I hold Sora as he's sleeping on my shoulder.

"I can help you bring him to the room, (y/n). "

Seijuro takes Sora and I follow him. We enter his room and I look around his area. I see the picture that I feel asleep on his shoulder when we were on the bus from camp.

"Did you want to drink wine or anything?" Seijuro raise his eyebrow and I shake my head.

"I'm just overwhelmed, but why not? It sounds nice. "

We gently close the door and we walk to another room. This room was more modern and there's a bed.

"This is your room now?"

Oh crap, it makes me sound like it's me

I cough and he nods.
"Yes, it's my room. I moved out of my old bedroom to sleep here. It's bigger. My father decided to move out on his own. I live here by myself now."

Seijuro had a little table top that had the wine on top.
He pour wine into the glass cup and hand it to me.
"Thank you. Cheers?" I offer to his cup.
"Cheers to both of us in the past that made us today. "

What does he mean?

He return within a smile.
I sip into the wine. He smile and sip his wine.
"How's his condition?"
"Good. Good, he's a healthy boy still. I'm a proud mother that made him eat  his vegetables. "

"You should be. A single mother like you who took care of him. That's very independent. His father should be ashamed of himself for not being part of his life. "

"No, it's not his father's fault. It was mine." As I drink all the wine.
He pour more wine into my cup.
" (y/fn), do you loathe me?" Seijuro look at me.

I shake my head. "No, but I just think that it's best if we don't see each other again." I chug my wine and I shake my head.

This is some strong wine and I feel like I'm so weak drinking wine. I'm drinking this waaay to fast.
"Why is that? Do I remind you of someone?"

I nod and I stand up.
"I think I should go and play basketball."

What am I saying? I do want to play basketball though.
"I see. You took your wine too fast, (y/fn). "

He slowly walk to me as I walk back. "W-what are you doing Seijuro?" As I fall back onto the bed.

"Why do you want to run away from me?"
I squint my eyes at him and shake my head. He hover on top of me and I stare at his mesmerizing crimson eyes.
"I-I don't know what you're talking
a-about. I think I should go sleep now-"
"You know what I am talking about. "

"Seijuro, I am going to sle-"

"(Y/n) 1."

-end of chapter-

OMG. Finals are coming up, so I wanted to update before I have to study for finals.

What now? What is Sei-baby gonna do or you?

The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now