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(a/n)'s note: I am draking asf as I am thinking to end this at chapter 15. Furthermore, I'm like listening to unravel acoustic which bring me memories of kaneki and I. LOL, anyways, uhhhhh. It may seem like a rape scene ahead of the chapter, but it's not. LOL. *SQUEALL* LIKE WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO HAVE A kid WITH SEIJURO? LOLOLOLOLOL. *Ahem*



What did he just say?
"Seijuro, what are you saying?" I shake my head
What's going on?

Seijuro leans closer to my face.

"Can you stop pretending, (y/n)?" His sharp ruby eyes pierce at my (e/c) eyes and he grips the bed sheet below me.

"Stop. Lying..." He close his eyes in frustration and open again. "I...I... I've been in pain for six years. Stop lying to me." Seijuro calmly wait for my answer.

"This is getting out of hand and I am not (y/n). She died long time ago and there's not way she would be alive." I whisper back and yawn due to the wine. I shake my head to knock my senses.

Seijuro aggressively turn me around and push my stomach onto the bed. He pushes my (f/c) cardigan down to reveal my bare back.

"Seijuro, please. What are you doing?" I weakly plead. His finger tips trace over the scar that I had years ago when we both were kidnapped.

He slowly kisses the scar and then to the nape of my neck. " I know that it's you." He places his hands over mine and entwine with it. He lay next to me and then whisper into my ear.

"I have found you at last."

Then I drifted into the darkness.


What a bizarre dream.

I grab the glass that has water and I take gulps to quench my thirst. I set the glass cup onto the table and I sigh as I place my hand on my cheek.

What happened last night? That was some crazy dream. The wine knock me out pretty quick.

"Mommy, what are you thinking about?" Sora look at me as he eat his ( favorite breakfast ). I shake my head. "Nothing dear, let's eat up and thank Uncle Seijuro then head home." I smile.

He frown and slowly eat his food.

"Before you go, I want Sora to spend a day with me before you leave." Seijuro take his place in the chair.

"Seijuro, I don't want to bother you, but-"

"Great, where should we go? Sora? How about the amusement park?"


Sora eagerly nods his head.

"Perfect." Seijuro looks at me like snake eyes as if we were in the past competing for basketball.


"AHAHAHAHA, that was so fun!" Sora tugs my hand and connect his other hand with Seijuro. "I really like that roller coaster. It was so fun! It went like WHEEWWW then WHOOOOOA! It was crAZY! AHHH!" Sora jumps in joy and I smile at him. Sora had a face paint of a ( animal ) and look cute on him. I pinch his nose.

I guess a day like this won't kill me, but Seijuro's behavior been acting so weird.

"Uncle Seijuro! look!" Sora points to the game stand and see a ( animal ) hanging. "That is mommy's favorite animal right there. I remember she told me that my daddy got that for her at the fair!"


"Ma'am, that would be another $2 to play." I give the worker $2 and I stick my tongue to focus as I have the ball in my hand

I should've practice more during winter break with the team. I wish I didn't slack off, URGH.

"Hmph." Seijuro smiles as he see me miss the hoop.

"Need help here, ( y/n)? You just have to ask the emperor."

"NO! I refuse to ask for you help, I can do this by myself." I look at the ( favorite animal ) stuffed and I feel more motivate more.

I exhale air and then gently toss the ball into the hoop, but then it miss again.

"Tch, what a bothersome. I'm so rusty now, let's go Seijuro." I walk away with a disappointment and head to the photo booth.

"Sei, let's take a picture togethe-" I turn around and I don't see him. "Sei?"

"Surprise." I turn around and he holds a ( favorite animal ).


"I won just for you."

Then I attacked him for a hug.


"Mom, can you get me tat stuff ( favorite animal )? Please! I will promise to be good! I want to win that for you!" I nod and we walk to the booth.

"OH, what a beautiful family that you guys are!" The worker greet us and continue, "Well, miss you are beautiful, so how about $2 for two balls? " I nod my head and pay the money. "Here Sora! You got this!" I cheer him as he roughly throw the ball to the side. He grab his second one and toss to the metal hoop and it falls down.

"Sorry mommy, maybe when we practice together next time." Sora sadly smile and I pay another $2.

"How about mommy pay and she win it for you?" I smile. I grab the ball and give a little squeeze to make sure that it's not flat. Seijuro observes me from the side.

I gently toss, but then it hits the metal hoops and fall down. I grab the last ball and Sora cheer for me from the side.

I exhale and then as I open my eyes, I feel a change in my eyes were (f/c) as I gently toss for the hoop. It slowly enter in.

D-did my eyes just change?

"Yay mommy, you did it!"

10 minutes later:

We both look at Sora as he play in the park with the other kids.

"I can't truly thank you Seijuro. I will always forever be in your debt when it comes to Sora or me. I don't know how to pay your kindness back. What can I do for you? Is there anything that I can do?" I softly whisper

"Anything?" he ask

I slowly nod my head and look at him.

"You might not be able to." He monotonously reply and gaze at me

"No, anything. I will do it. I don't like being in people's debt, so I am willing to do it."

"Two things that I want and are you willing to do it for the sake of Sora? Anything?" He raises his eyebrows.

I turn my body to him and clench my fist together and nod my head.

When I heard what he asked, I feel like I suddenly hear my heart beat beating rapidly and I breath heavily. I feel like I hear the wind whispering into my ears and the wind blows through my hair.

"Be (y/n) again and marry me."

-End of chapter-

OMFG, I EVEN FANGIRLED THIS CHAPTER LMFAO. OMGGGGGG. <3 I sounded like a monster from Silent hill as I screaming LO




-Dazaihime <3

The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now