- 15 & thank you -

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Author's note: to be honest, I remember when I started this book. No one even read it. Like nobody. I was going to discontinue the book, because no one even comment or vote which made lose motivation to continue the story. I started to gain some readers and it motivated me to write more. Thank you so much for those who read, commented, voted, or followed me.

Akashi Seijuro will always be my favorite GoM team member and KnB characters even though I never watch the anime or read the manga. He's hot asf. 🌚( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thanks for the 15k views & 800+ votes in my secret; and 3k views and 200+ votes on the lost unforgettable love ❤️

I wanted to please you guys with my story, but I guess it's all right tbh. LOL. I think I'm going to re-edit my work. 🤔

Here's the last chapter: like i promised. *deep breath*

~4 years later~

I stood by the sidelines and holding ( baby girl name ). I watch three red-heads playing basketball with each other and they fuss over the ball.

"Mom, dad said that he's going to teach me the violin later. I won't be able to ( hobby that you like ) later. " Sora dribble as he talks to me. I nod in approval.

"That's fine Sora. Just practice hard in your violin. Okay?"

"Mommy! Daddy is mean! He said that he was going to let me play with the bull ( ball ), but he's not very noice ( nice ). " ( boy's name ) runs up to me and hug me in the leg.

"Seijuro, what happened to being fair?" I motion the finger for him to come here and he smile and lean for a kiss. I avoid him and then he grab ( baby girl name ).

"Your mother and ( boy's name ) are so evil. Be like your dad when you grow up, ( baby girl name  )." Seijuro goes into his knees and talk to my stomach.

"You too, future ( gender of your choice ). " he kisses my stomach.

"When I'm done giving birth, you and me. One on one." I propose a request and he smiles.

"Loser does what?" He gently play with ( baby's girl name )'s fingers and kiss her cheek.

"How about they can do whatever they want to the loser?" I suggest.

"That's what you said last year and now you're pregnant. Not to mention, you said that too back in high school? Did you? Yes you did. Give up already, (y/n). " Seijuro chuckle and a frown appear on my face.

" That was uncalled for! I didn't even step onto the white line-"

"Then why did you still do it? See? Cause you're finding excuses to be naughty with me." He gives ( baby girl's name ) back to me and I hit his shoulders.

"Not with the kids around Seijuro! C'mon, ( baby boy's name ). Don't give up. Your mother didn't give up easily too and your older brother Sora will help you. "

"Fine! I will be like mommy." ( baby name boy ) let go of my leg and head to the court.

"Oh wait, I need your mother's luck." Seijuro point to his cheek and wait. I shake my head.

"This way is better." I turn his head and peck him in the lips.

"Ew! Mommy and daddy kissed!" (Baby boy name ) cover his eyes and giggle.

"Do you want my luck too, ( baby boy name )?" He shakes his head.

"I can do this all by myself. Let's go daddy and Sora!"  He runs to the court and grab the ball.

"Hi ( baby girl name )," I kiss her forehead. " By the way, we have a family photo shoot tomorrow with our family. Don't forget, you have to rehearse Tetsuya's wedding this Saturday Seijuro!"

Seijuro nods as he shoots for the basket and I sit down. I smile and see what I have:

A family that lives in happily ever after~

-End of The lost of unforgettable love~

Thank you so much! You've been on a long journey with me. I love you all! 😂❤️😭😍
Can't believe that this is the end. 😭😭😭😭
Crying ATM. 😢😢😢😢😢😢

Any criticism? Feedbacks? Anything?

By the way, you have four kids in total.
Sora- 9 years old
( baby boy )- 4 years old
(Baby girl )- 2 years old
(Unborn baby )

P.s. I can't believe that I'm freaking done. Omfg. I guess it's really done or end of it. I just remember the start of it man. 😭😭😭 I guess it took me a year to complete this whole story.
Again, thank you who read my books from day one. Y'all is the MVP. 🤗❤️😭

If you like haikyuu or oikawa, check it out too...? LOL. Or my Bungou stray dog oneshots.
Truly, can't thank you all.

I know that all the characters were probably ooc, but eh.
Can I ask this: who fangirled? LOL , even I'm the author, i fangirled too! 😂😂😂

Competed on January 6th, 2017


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