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"You know it's getting late. Go home, Shun. I don't think I am going back home until Sora is done with hospital."

"Okay, you both take care now. Call us if anything happens to you both. Goodbye and see you both in a couple of days." Shun wrap his arms around me and I feel his warm chest press onto mine then he let go and head to the exit door.

"It's so lucky that Seijuro didn't give his blood to Sora, but good thing Shun was here. How can I repay back to him?" I sigh as I sit back in the chair as I look at the sleepy red hair boy.

What am I doing? Seriously? I just don't understand how anything is going on. Five years ago I left this city  to escape the danger that was harming to my family, but now I see them again. Do I need to run away to a town that isn't business related or anything? What town doesn't have Akashi or (Surname) business?

"Thinking about life?" I turn my head to the voice and smile.

"You can say that, but it's going so-so now." Seijuro sits next to me.

"Hmm, why aren't you going home yet?" I cross my arms together and look at Sora.

"I'm very concern about Sora, (y/fn). I called work off tomorrow, so it's not a big deal." Seijuro loosen his tie around his neck and begin to unbutton his white collar long sleeves.

"U-uh are you serious?" I cover my eyes with one hand and turn away from him

"So immature, (y/fn). I mean if you had Sora, why are you acting like that when you and Sora's father initially had intercourse? I mean I'm sure you had seen a man's body and I have seen a woman's body before."

(a/n): ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (LOL). Your body. Lmfao.

Where is this coming from? I feel he's acting so different now? Is it because I didn't let him donate blood to Sora?"

"Sorry. You're right. I just didn't want you to think that I would look at you."

FLASHBACK ( My secret, chapter: Day #3 at camp):

"Why aren't you going (y/n)?"

" Why aren't you going?" I fire back at him

"Well, cause I am going to change." Then Akashi begin to strip.

"U-uh are you serious?" As I cover my eyes with my hands.

"Why are you acting like that? I mean we're boys."

"I-I know, but you seriously have to do this right now?!?!?!" I peek to see if he's done changing.

He's shirtless! help. me. I can't walk out! my leg won't move!


"Pft. Wow." I whisper to myself and look at Seijuro.

"What? Something struck you?" Seijuro turn his head and I scoff.

"You know, you're just acting like someone I used to know. That's all and nothing matters. Anyways, yeah. Thanks for staying with Sora and your mother who took in my son." I creek a smile and look at Seijuro again.

"To correct you, she's not my mother. She's my business partner, but to say it: we're one business together."

"Oh, Eito's mom? Right?" I question him and he nods his head and closes his eyes.

"I see now. I understand." I yawn and stretch my arms out then bring them down again.

I look at Seijuro and he's falling asleep as he's sitting next to me.

"Sei?" I call his name, but then he tilt his head onto my shoulder and I panic as I stay still.


Then I laugh to myself.

He's so cute when he fall asleep, just like five years ago.

"Seijuro?" I wave around his face and I frown.

"He's really sleeping." I grumble and then I use the switch to pull our feet up and it looks like we're a couple, but I didn't want his feet to be numb in the morning or mine. I grab the blanket next to me and slowly cover his body and mine.

"Let's just hope that you don't find me like an weird woman who would do this to you. Sheesh. I hope in the morning that I would wake up before you do."

I switch the light to off and there was only little dim light in the room. The window clearly shows the beautiful city lights as it reflect to the hospital floor.

My heart begin to skip and I breath in and out.

"Wow, some throwback to five years ago too at the camp. The day where I couldn't breath and I fainted. I remember the same situation. You slept on my shoulders. Gosh, how much I miss this. This is a moment that I don't want to lose to our family."

Ba-dum, Ba-dum, ba-dum

"I know you're sleeping and that's good. Business can be tiring and I hope that you are doing well....." I gently whisper.

I turn and kiss his head.

"Even after five years you are still able to make my heart beat skip, Akashi Seijuro."

-End of chapter-


The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now