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Probably won't update for couple days cause I'm having a writer's block

-your POV

"Today is the father's day. Daddy isn't replying to us, maybe it is just going to be mommy. Remember, daddy is the one who dress like a basketball player. He has a lot of forms. Mommy said that to me." Sora softly touch the flower's petals.

I sigh and go to him "I'm sorry that daddy didn't reply, but I will come. Go to your bust stop and I will see you later." He nods as I fix his collar. I give him a light kiss on the forehead and he leaves.

Seijuro and Eito enter the room

"So, what time will you guys be home today, so I can prepare dinner for you guys?" I turn to them.

"I'm not too sure, but if that's the case.. Go ahead and eat dinner without us. We will bring dinner home and bring extra food for you guys." Eito smile

"No, but-" I stammer

"Please, at least it's what we can do. You have our thanks and please accept it (y/n)."

Heart drop.

"I mean (y/fn). Please excuse we go to work," Eito bows and then head to the door

"(y/fn), may I know what time is the father's day celebration at school? His school is the one near the company's building?"

"Noon and yes,but why do you want to know?" I look deeply into his crimson eyes

"Just curious." He walks pass me

What are you up to, Sei?


"Seijuro! Can you look at eyes? I feel like there's something in my eye." I close one of my eyes

"(y/n) is need of my help, how amusing."

"Flameboy, I will NOT TOLERATE YOU-" He grabs by my arm and pull me to him. He leans close to my face that I can see my reflection in his eyes.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Oh, I can see something. Close your eyes." I close both of my eyes and then I feel a quick peck on lips

"Seijuro!" I shot open my eyes and then I laugh

"You know you were pretending, (y/n)." He let go of my arm

"You're no fun." I pout my lips and then wink at him

"You're a trickster, I wouldn't believe you."

"Well, I'm good at lying..Beside you're in love with me." I trail his cheek and then grab his cheek to me as I quickly peck him.

"Sayonara! " Then I leave his house with a smirk


"I think we can sing our duet together, Sora!" I smile at him, but I see him give out a small smile.

I'm so sorry, Sora

"Children, thank you for bringing your parents here! We are thankful for our daddy too! As well in the past, we did do mother's day. Now it's father's day! Each kids will do something that bond together as a family.... It's only a choice, but then it will be super fun!" Ms. Lockster smile and everyone clap their hands

22 minutes later:

"It's almost our turn, Sora." He nod his head

"All right, now it's time for (f/ln) Sora and Sora's mommy!" everyone clap their hands, but then the gym doors open. Everyone brings their attention to the door and I gasp as I recongize that white basketball uniform

The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now