- 9.5 -

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(A/n): smh. My bad. Seriously, my bad to the moon and stars. I haven't been updating any of my fan fictions. Lmao. Especially for this one. I know how it feels. I seriously do. I am a forgetful person because I forgot in my secret if Seijuro gives you a necklace or a bracelet. Fudge my life. Anyhow, enjoy.

Can someone remind me which one it is and I will correct it later? Thanks.


Seijuro's POV:

"Sora is fine, but he will need a lot of rest. Here's the necklace/bracelet that it was found and we cleaned it because it was covered in blood."

Doctor Hiyori place the box onto my palm and then leave me behind in the hallways.

"No, it's just that.. I don't want to be in your debt."

(Y/fn)'s voice echo in my head and I sigh.

"Why does it sound like she hate me so much? Like she's trying to exclude herself and Sora to me." Then a nurse pushes me and I drop the box onto the pale floor.

"Sorry, but nurse duties! I hope you understand." She look back at me and wink at me.

"Hmph." Escape from my mouth and I slowly look for the box.

The box is open, but then what remain next to the box seem familiar like it was five years ago when I gave it to her for Christmas.

Coincidentally it looks like (y/n)'s gift.

I hold it up and notice a chip that was inside of a pocket.

I quickly pick it up and head toward to the lobby where my laptop was.

I start on my laptop and I sit down. I insert the chip in and patiently wait for the screen to pop up.

I enter my password and then look for the drive that was unknown

What could this be?

It show the photos that didn't preview, but it had numbers.

Should I even do this? Is this my business to go through this?

I hesitate and look away from the screen.

Just do it.

I look at the screen and then randomly selected one photo and stare at my laptop screen to load the image.

I look to the side for my tea, but in the corner of my eye the image popped up.

I turn my attention to the screen and then I suddenly see the image of me and her. Five years ago on my birthday.

"Yup, picture captures the time and memories, so I wanted to be in your memories! Get ready?"

"W-why does Sora have this?"

Then I didn't how I was suppose to feel anymore. Anger, sadness, and pain runs through my body.

The woman that who brought my dignity down was the one who hid away from me for five years and who bear my child....

Yes, Sora is my child.....

-end of 9.5-

Fml. Horrible grammar.

By the way. I'm gonna legit reread and I hate my new phone for auto correcting what I want to freaking type.


The Lost Unforgettable Love: Akashi Seijuro x reader (2nd Book) Where stories live. Discover now