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-your POV

(F/n)= fake name. Muhahahahahaha.

Your POV :

"I know your lost secret..... "
I look at his deadly Crimson eyes and shake my head
"I don't know what you mean."
I walk pass him, but he shoot his arm out to prevent me going.
"Are you really playing dumb, huh? (Fake name )?"
"Akashi, I'm feeling really uncomfortable right now. Sora is sleeping too."
Then suddenly I trip over the trash can.
He grabs my wrist and pull me to him. He whispers  into my ear: "doesn't this bring back memories when we were at camp and so, you're are still the clumsiest person ever (y/n)."

I rapidly sit up from my bed and breathe heavily.
What is this? What is this dream?
I get up and go to the bathroom. I turn the light on and splash the cold water onto my face.
"Why would I dream of Seijuro, is it because of how I saw him recently?"I look in the mirror
I hear tiny footsteps and I look to the door. Sora rub his eyes and ask me.
"Mom, you okay?" He yawns
"Yes, it was just a nightmare. Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow."
He return to the bed and I shake my head.
I walk out of the bathroom and turn the tiny light which irradiate the room to have a dim light.
I open the box that contain memories. I take out of the photo and then realize the necklace that Seijuro gave to me on Christmas.
I hold the (f/c) necklace out and open the middle part which contain a container. It reveals a SD card and I close it.
I immediately throw the necklace to the table and close the box
"Yeah? I'm coming to bed Sora."
I grab the box and put it to the highest shelf and I shut off the light.
I quickly jump in.
"Yeah, what's up?" I softly pat his head
"I forgot to tell daddy to come to Father's Day.... Now we won't ever find him." He yawns and open his eyes lazily.
"We will, even he don't. I will be there for you."
He nods and then begin to snuggle to get comfortable.
What can I do?

-Seijuro's POV-

I pat the cold gravestone and smile. I place the ( favorite color and flowers ) onto the cold earth.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been visiting. It's been pretty crazy with company and we are expanding. We're in good terms with each other companies. Status of high. Your family is coming to Japan for the expansion. (Y/n). Do you believe in reincarnation? I met someone who looked like you and I stupidly said your name to her. She had the same looks like you and brought my heart on fire."
I tuck my hands into my pocket.
"-Also, her son was calling me daddy. I wish we could've build a life together. (Y/n), I'll be taking my leave." Then I leave (y/n) and head to my car


Seijuro's pov 

"-So we will have one of you guys go to ( town ) because we are expanding our company. Since, the (surname ) and Akashi been together for years. We will have one of the (surname) and Akashi go to ( town ). " the coordinator looks at me and Eito.

"Yes. My father suggest that Akashi and I will be going to (town). We'll be staying there for a couple days and to observe everything." The twenty-one year old smile and drink his water.

"Yes, you guys will take your leave in three days." The coordinator gives us the blueprint of the company

"Make that tomorrow." Eito and I say in an unison and smile.

"We would like to finish this as soon as possible."

-Sora's POV-

"Mommy? I'm home. " I take off my shoes and place my backpack against the wall.
I walk to the bedroom and look around. I see something shiny and look at it.
"This is so pretty? Is this mommy?" I grab it and hold it up.
"I'm coming!" I wear the necklace and tuck the middle part into my shirt.
I run out of the door as fast as I can.

Next day:

-your POV-

"What's with this?" I see a tall building that is under in construction.
"I don't know. I think it's a rich company for sure. I heard that they should be done building it by tomorrow. It's so Annoying with all these construction sounds ." Aunt Sakura complains
"Plus, I heard from the mayor that two of the people will be coming here tomorrow to check the company."
"Mommy! Father's Day is coming up!"
Sora tugs  my arm
"Okay, how about we send a message to daddy later?" I suggest while I was so busy looking at the building.
"Sakura Koji, you'll be taking these two young man to your house to sleep and feed. Since the hotel has been busy for reconstruction."
"Oh, I can't Mayor, my grandchildren came over and it's so crowded. How about (f/n)?" She picks up her cellphone and leaving me.
"My baby is crying, so mayor let (f/n) take care of them."
"Okay, (f/n). You will take care of these young man then."
I finally get the senses when I heard my name.
"What? What about me, mayor?"
Then I hear Sora whispering
"Mom, it's daddy again."
I turn slowly turn around
And see Seijuro and Eito standing before me.

-end of chapter -

Lol, good luck.

Maybe this story might only contain 15-20 chapters.


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