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"Once you can't feel love, you die

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"Once you can't feel love, you die.... even if your body still walks."


"UMM, I'M AFRAID I can't tell you how to cry, Lexie. Just eat your food." The Nurse replied in an awkward manner and walked out of my room, closing and locking the door behind her.

All of the doors in our rooms are locked, so we can't escape. There is another door, though, and it is unlocked. It leads to JJ's room. He's my only friend in this place. I guess it's because he's different, just like me. I quickly ate my food, which wouldn't please Dr. Shetland. He told me to eat slow, or else my stomach would hurt.

I'm breaking a lot of rules lately.

I walked into JJ's room, and when I entered he looked up and smiled at me. "What's up, Lex?"

Lex was my nickname for him. The only person who's called me Lex besides JJ is my mom. So, it made me sad when he called me Lex. I glanced at him and frowned. "Please don't call me Lex."

He pouted. "Why not? I like the nickname."

"Because it reminds me of my mom."

I sat in front of him on the floor. Why is he on the floor? Why is he not on the bed? Wouldn't that be much comfier? I guess not. "Lex!" He waved his hand in front of my face.

I shook my head. "Oops, sorry. I must've been thinking to myself again."

He laughed slightly. "Yeah, you always do that. What were you thinking about?"

"Why you're sitting on the floor and not the bed."

He shrugged. "I like the floor. It's much comfier than that rock of a bed."

The beds are hard. I guess I can understand that.

"So, Lex, I have the best idea ever."

I cocked my head to the side. "What is it?"

"We're going to escape."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "If we escape, we'd get in trouble, and that's not good. Dr. Shetland would be angry with us."

He rolled his eyes at the mention of Dr. Shetland's name. "Forget him." He didn't say forget, he said the F word, but I don't cuss a lot.

"Cuss words aren't nice, JJ." I pointed out, making him grin at me while laughing.

"Oh, Lex. You're too much of an innocent girl for this tormenting place. You don't belong here."

"I know, I keep telling Dr. Shetland that I don't belong here. He just doesn't listen." I shook my head.

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