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"Never give up on someone with a mental illness

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"Never give up on someone with a mental illness. When "I" is replaced by "WE", illness becomes wellness."
{Shannon L. Alder}


"LEXIE. I LIKE that name." James smiled, taking a sip of his milkshake.

I shrugged. "My mom named me that. She said my name meant 'defender.' I don't know why because I don't really defend anyone that much."

James chuckled. "Yeah, you do. JJ told me about what you did to Sandy last night. You defended your mom and yourself."

I smiled. "I guess I did."

"So, tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?" James questioned, clasping his hands together.

(here it comes)

"I love to write lists." I replied, a grin on my face.

James giggled. "That makes me like you even more. Anything else you like to do?"

I thought for a minute, thinking of the things I enjoy doing. "I like organizing things and looking at the sunset."

James cracked a smile. "I love to watch the sunset. I like to watch the stars at night too, though. It's crazy how they're so far away, but look so close."

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. "So, tell me about you and Soda. JJ told me you two had a thing going on."

I'm going to kill JJ.

My smile faded and I glanced out the window, sighing. "We were just friends."


"I don't think he wants to talk to me anymore after what I said to him." I spoke sadly, fiddling with my fingers.

James frowned. "Trust me, I've known Soda for a long time. Ever since I've been here. If he cares about you, he'll talk to you."

I nodded my head, feeling much better. James stood up and reached out his hand for me to grab. "Let's go."

"Where?" I cocked my head to the side.

"The Curtis's."


WHEN JAMES AND I entered, everyone glanced up at me smirking. I don't know why they were smirking, but it was creepy.

"This is James." I introduced him to the gang.

"I know." Soda replied dully, making everyone shoot him glares.

JJ's grin was so big, I thought it would hop off his face. "You two come sit over here beside me."

We did and Two-Bit turned to us, a huge smirk on his face just about as big as JJ's grin.

"I have a game to play!"

Everyone started groaning, and James and I were looking at all of them confused. "Two-Bit has the stupidest game ideas." Steve explained.

I smiled at Two-Bit. "Well, I think it's going to be a great game, Two-Bit!"

He grinned and pinched my cheeks. "This is why I like her better than all of you." He pointed at the gang.

"Fine. Just tell us what the game is." Sandy rolled her eyes, making Two-Bit flip her off.

I started giggling and she shot me a glare.

(yes, this idea below does come from GMW, so creds to them on this game idea.)

"The Couples Game!"

"WHAT?!" We all shouted.

"I don't think it's a good idea anymore." I shook my head, making Soda chuckle.

"All you do is draw a card and you have to answer the question on your card. If it says, 'what's your partners favorite color?', you answer it. Easy as that." Two-Bit explained.

"Well, this should be easy. Lexie and I already told all about each other at the Dingo and Jay's today." James spoke, smiling.

"She probably didn't tell you everything." Soda mumbled.

The only people playing were James and I and Soda and Sandy. Of course, Two-Bit was the one directing the game and passing out cards. Everyone else was watching us in amusement.

James drew a card. "What's your partner's favorite food?"

"Cheeseburgers." I answered immediately, making everyone raise their eyebrows.

"Yep, and your favorite food is tacos." James answered.

I nodded and we both high-fived. I turned towards Soda and he looked upset.

Sandy drew a card and a grin crept upon her face. "Where did we have our most intimate conversation at?"

"The library at school." They both answered at the same time.

I thought back to Soda and I's most intimate conversation. It was on Steve's back porch, at nighttime. Not too long ago.

I drew a card this time. "Is it possible to like two people at the same time?"

My eyes went huge as I stared at Soda and then quickly back at James who was looking at me weird. I crumpled the paper up and shoved it in my mouth, chewing it. Everyone furrowed their eyes at me, and Sandy chuckled. "Like I said, weirdo."

Soda drew a card this time and read it aloud. "What's your personality more like? Library or.. Nighttime?"

(*cough cough* Soda and Sandy intimate convo? Library. Lexie and Soda? Swing under the stars at night)

His mouth opened and then closed. He chuckled nervously, "Oh, well you know." He threw his piece of paper in his mouth, chewing it just like me.

This time we all furrowed our eyebrows at him.

"Well, if we're going to keep eating paper, I might as well put the game up." Two-Bit laughed, grabbing the game.

I spit out my piece of paper, and Soda spit his out too, everyone still keeping their gaze on us. "What? I've seen people eat worse at the mental asylum." I threw my hands out, Soda grinning.

"Anyways!" Sandy yelled, grabbing Soda and shooting me another glare. "Soda and I have to go on a date tonight."

"Where?" I questioned, sitting back down beside James.

She shot me a devilish smirk. "We're laying under the stars and just talking."

I frowned at Soda, because he knew it was our thing. He gave me a sympathetic smile and mouthed 'sorry' before leaving.

"Well, that was crazy." JJ started laughing.

"Hey, Lexie, come outside real quick. I have to tell you something." Dallas announced, walking out to the front porch.

I glanced at the guys real quick, worry on my face. I was a little scared of Dally, and I always got the feeling he didn't like me. They nodded for me to go ahead and I walked out there with him.

He lit a cigarette and sighed. "It sucks, doesn't it?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"Trying to date someone else to get your mind off of the person you love."


there were TONS of foreshadowing during the Couples Game, so I hope you figured some of it out.

are y'all starting to like James more?

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