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"You can't stop the feelings you have for someone

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"You can't stop the feelings you have for someone. You can't lie to yourself either. Your heart knows the truth all too well."


"Lexie, how do you feel about your mom and dad's relationship?" Dr. Shetland asked, glancing up from his notes.

I was laying on his ugly red sofa that I didn't like.

"Umm. Do I have to answer this?" I questioned, getting nervous.

I don't like to talk about my parents at all. Especially my dad. He hates me and thinks I'm stupid.

My mom on the other hand, was an angel. She was beautiful too. Tons of people said I looked exactly like her, and I acted like her. So, I was grateful that I wasn't like my dad.

He sighed. "I know you don't like to talk about it, Lexie, but you're going to have to talk about it soon."

I ran my hands through my hair. "I didn't like their relationship. All they did was fight and argue."

Dr. Shetland nodded, writing more notes down in my progress folder. "You know, Lexie, it's good for you to tell people how you feel. If you keep your feelings bottled up, you'll explode one day."


I SLOWLY TURNED around. "Soda, I- I didn't mean it like that."

He was with Steve and Ponyboy. He still had a hurt expression on his face. "I really liked you, Lexie. As a friend."

I shook my head. "Soda, you misunderstood me. I do like you. As a friend."

"Then what the hell did you mean, Lexie?"

I can't tell him what I meant.

"You're marrying Sandy." I stated.

"You're what?!?!" Steve and Pony shouted.

My eyes went wide. "They didn't know?"

Soda looked frustrated. "They know now."

I started feeling upset. He was mad at me.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know." I frowned, turning away. I looked towards JJ. "Let's go, JJ. They probably don't want me here now that I've ruined everything."

JJ and I started walking away and I heard Soda shout. "Lexie! Wait!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. He ran up to me and sighed. "I'm sorry I got angry with you. And, you didn't ruin anything, okay?"

I slowly nodded and buried my face into his chest, giving him a hug. He was surprised at first, but hugged me back. I pulled away, JJ's eyes wide.

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