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"Some days I can't stop thinking about you, and other days I wonder why I'm wasting my time

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"Some days I can't stop thinking about you, and other days I wonder why I'm wasting my time."



"SODA, IT'S BEEN two years. You have to get over it sooner or later." Pony sighed, jabbing his food with his fork.

I rolled my eyes, shooting a glare at him. "You don't know what it's like Pony, so how about you shut your mouth."

"Hey, now!" Darry scolded, smacking both of us on the back of the head.

Darry sighed, giving me an unreadable face expression. "Just because someone dies, doesn't mean you stop living, Soda. You've been in that bedroom for the past two years!"

I slammed my fists on the table, shouting a string of curse words. "You guys don't have the right to say that!"

"Soda!" They both called, but I ignored them, walking outside.

I ran and ran and ran. I didn't know where my feet were taking me until I arrived at the graveyard.

I took a shaky breath, walking towards the gravestone. My feet were right in front of it, unable to move. I felt this big pressure on my chest and it wouldn't go away no matter what.

I bent down, examining the words on the gravestone.

Lexie Madison
Loving daughter of Lauren and Flynn Madison.

Tears started rolling down my face as I grazed my hand against the grave.

I need her.

Lexie wouldn't be happy right now if she knew I was living my life grieving. She'd be upset, and that's when I decided.

I have to move on.


"HEY HONEY, DO you know where I put the snacks at?"

I shook my head, taking a sip of my coffee. "No clue."

She kissed me on the cheek. "You going to go visit her today?"

A grin immediately grew on my face. "I do every year, don't I?"

A small chuckled escaped her lips as she ruffled my hair. "I love you."

I stood up and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you too."

I walked out the door and hopped in the truck, driving towards the graveyard.

Once I arrived, I grabbed the bouquet of daisies, sitting them on the gravestone along with the other daisies I sat on there.

Daisies were her favorite flowers.

I bent down and sighed. "I miss you every day, Lexie. You know that, right?"

I could hear her giggle in my mind and I immediately started smiling stupidly to myself.

"I love you so much. I hope Heaven is treating you well, Princess. I'll see you soon."

I went back in the truck, starting the engine and driving off. The Sun was shining bright today and I imagined the Sun as Lexie.

She was bright and lightened up my world.

She was psychotic, so they say.

And me?

I was reckless.

Psychotic and reckless couples seem to be the best.

I would know after all. I got the chance of meeting the most beautiful girl in the world.

And that girl was Lexie.


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thank you guys SO much for voting, commenting, and motivating me to continue writing this.

this story was inspired by a video game believe it or not, lmao.

the game is called Fran Bow.

anyways, I love you guys! I'm upset that this story had to end, but hey, all good stories come to an end.

I would say 'Stay Gold,' but let's go with...

Stay Innocent :)

(even though I'm not innocent anymore HAHA)

Psychotic and Reckless→ Sodapop CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now