Prologue: Beginning in Childhood

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A long time ago in the White Tiger clan, there were young children who loved playing in the yard, their names were Ray, Lee, Gary, Mariah and Kevin. They were always together no matter what, and they were also training in their secret hideout where no one can find, along with their own master Tao, the great old master and an old pervert who loves beautiful girls.

One day, Gary fell down tiredly and said, "I'm hungry when do we get to eat?" Lee said, "C'mon Gary you can't be THAT hungry, you just ate an hour ago." Kevin said laughing a little, "Ahaha yeah." Ray was worried and said, "Hey where's Mariah.." Kevin said, "I don't know, now that you mention it I haven't seen her this morning."

Gary had a thought and said, "Maybe she went out to bring some fruits." Lee looked at him and said, "You think so?" Then he looked at Ray, who was trying to go, "Hey where are you going Ray?" Lee asked. "I'm going to look for her, maybe she got lost," Ray answered and Kevin told him, "No need for that, Ray. I'm sure she'll be fi- "AHHHHH" A mysterious scream, "MARIAH!", Ray ran over to the source of her voice. "Ray wait for us!" Lee, Gary, and Kevin ran along with him to find her.

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