Admitting Love

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Now where was I, oh yes after finishing the story past about Ray leaving the village, we came back to taking care of the forest with Ray and his friends, when Ray and Mariah got home together Lee saw Mariah's ankle and said: "Mariah what happened to your ankle?" Lee asked her and she said with a smiling face: "It was just an accident Lee but don't worry Ray helped me." Lee was very glad and looked at Ray with a smile on his face and said: "Thanks for helping her Ray. Lee thanked him and Ray said: "It was no big deal, glad I could help."

Ray said it with a cute smiling face at him, Lee couldn't help it so he put his arm around Ray's head and pulled him closer so he can nuke his head like buddies, Ray then laughed a little of what Lee is doing to him and said: "Hey cut it out lee that tickles." Ray tried to tell Lee to stop but Lee couldn't even help it he looked at Ray and keeps nuke his head like he was enjoying it and told Ray: "Hahaha what's the matter ray, can't take it?" Lee said it as he kept nuking Ray's head even more, Ray tried to tell him one more time to stop: "Oh c'mon Lee please stop." Mariah looked at them and she giggled of how much fun they're having.

Lee finally decided to let go Ray for a minute so he can rest, after that Lee then smiled at Ray and asked him; so ray did you have fun, with ME NUKE YOUR HEAD HAHA. Lee laughed at him and Ray smiled at him as well and answered his funny question; haha very funny of you lee that makes YOU A JOKER AHAHA. when Ray said that he laughed at Lee and Lee stopped laughing at him when he said to him with a glare face; HEY I AM NOT A JOKER. Ray laughed at him even more and also said; HAH you just said a joker again. Lee was angry at him a little; Ray..

before Lee start a fight with Ray, suddenly Mariah's voice stopped him; ok boys i'm gonna go to bed now goodnight. Lee and Ray both said to her; goodnight. Mariah walked to her room to gets some sleep as Ray said to Lee; guess it's bedtime for us. Lee; Yeah..[Yawning]..well goodnight ray. Ray; goodnight lee pleasant dreams. and so everyone slept at night.

till the morning everyone woked up and ate a breakfast except there own master watching the skies as they about to rain soon, he looked at there students who's still eating there breakfast and told them bout the storm of rain; there's going to be a storm today my dear children. when they all looked at there own master and Kevin asked; a storm. Master Tao; Yes. Lee also asked him; what makes you say that. Master Tao; I can feel it in the air and inside my bones.

Mariah; if what your saying is true then that means. Master Tao; yes that means you can't go out there, it'll be very dangerous my students. They all agreed not to go out until the other day so they've all gone parted to their own room, at Mariah's room Mariah was thinking about Ray and how sweet he was when he give her a brooch that had a tiger sign on it and she was keeping it as always she wanted to see it but she couldn't find it anywhere unless she remembered leaving it at the place where Ray helped her ankle, that's how she decided to look for it before the sky start to rain.

after that Ray was going to Mariah's room to give her a cup of tea that he made it just for her, he knocked her room door; [knock knock] Mariah I brought you some tea. Mariah didn't answer then Ray decided to open the door very carefully to if Mariah is inside her room; mariah... he looked inside and didn't find her anywhere when he saw her window was opened he put the cup of tea here and walked to the window and also saw her footprints he said with a sad face; oh no..mariah. Ray looked so worried he was about to tell the others but he didn't want them to be worried so he kept his mouth shut and jumped to the window and ran to the forest to look for her, till he had a mind thought while he was running; [hold on mariah i'm coming for you].

when the skies starting to rain, Kevin saw the falling rain down with a little thunder he got very exciting glare at it and said; wow what a storm. Gary sat next to him and said; yeah it is. while they were watching the storm the poor Mariah was still looking for her beloved brooch as her hair was all wet, she got worried and said; where could it be.. Mariah moved her head to the right or left to see where the brooch is, she now saw the light coming from the place where she rest her ankle, she ran over there and grabbed the brooch she was so glad to find it and said; oh thank goodness I finally found it. she was about to head home but suddenly the lightning of the storm made her so scared and screamed as well; AHHHHHHHH.

Ray was still running near the trees to find Mariah as his hair was all wet by the rain as well, he then heard the scream of the person who made him stop and had a thought of the who scream voice was it; [that scream just now was it-oh no Mariah she's in trouble] suddenly Ray ran off to where Mariah's scream come from, back at Mariah she was still trying calling for help while her eyes are full with tears; oh please someone HELP. it was no use as her tears starting to fall she kept her arms around the tree's back when she remembers sitting on it and rest her ankle, she start thinking of Ray and hoping that he's coming to help her, she waited and she thought it was no use either, she then said to herself and crying also; please[sob]please someone help me.

the poor Mariah's pure tears was still falling as then someone suddenly called her name; MARIAHH. Mariah was shocked and saw the one who called her name; RAYY. turns out it was Ray who called her name and when Mariah called his name Ray saw her behind the tree who was crying and looked helpless, Ray then ran towards her and hugged her very tightly behind the tree and said; oh mariah I'm so sorry this happens to you I am. Mariah was still hugging him tight and still crying on his chest, Ray felt Mariah's hands as they were shaking terrifying by the thunder of the storm Ray then hold Mariah with his arms and put his mouth near Mariah's ear and said to her softly; i'm sorry I really am I didn't even know you were crying for help, please forgive me mariah.

Mariah then stopped crying by Ray's soft voice she looked at him with her bright eyes to his she said; it's ok ray I actually forgive you i'm just glad you came for me. Ray also looked her in the eyes with hers and said to her; are you hurt. Ray asked her and she said; no i'm completely fine. Ray; that's good to hear. Mariah; ray can I ask you something. Ray; yes mariah. Mariah start to ask him; Do you love me. when Ray heard her question he was completely speechless mariah was worried and said; ray.. Ray closed his eyes and suddenly give Mariah a love kiss on her lips softly and deeply Mariah was shocked she closed her eyes and kissed Ray deeply as well of how much love she's giving to him while her own tear eyes was falling, Ray pulled her very closer to him so he can kiss her until Mariah made a moan voice in her own throat; mmmmm.....

After that there both almost out of breath so Ray broke the kiss slowly and looked at Mariah in her beautiful eyes and he wiped her own tears gently on her cheeks, he answered her question; Yes mariah I do love you so much from anything. Mariah was very happy to hear that she give Ray a quick kiss on the lips and broke it, she said to him; And I love you too ray. they hugged each other tightly while the storm keeps coming, Ray said to Mariah while he was hugging her; what you say we get back home before the others notice that we're gone. Mariah then broke the hug and looked at Ray's eyes, she said; okay let's go.

they were running until they saw the house Ray helped Mariah to get in the window where it leads to her room, Ray then also got in the window as well, Mariah closed her window and she was squeezing her wet hair and looked at the storm she said; my what a strong weather. Ray; I know it's hard to survive from it. Mariah looked at the cup of tea; hey ray who's tea is that. Ray looked at it and said; oh this tea is actually for you mariah. Mariah then blushed and said; For me. Ray; Yea I made it myself just for you. Mariah; you made a tea just for me oh ray how sweet of you but too bad it's cold. Ray; I can make another one. Mariah; no need for that ray I don't feel thirsty this night. Ray; oh. Mariah; But you can make it for in the morning ok. Ray; sounds good to me well goodnight mariah. Mariah grabbed Ray's hand and Ray turned his back to see what she wants suddenly Mariah give Ray a good night kiss on his lips very nicely, Ray was enjoying it till Mariah broke the kiss and touched Ray's cheek she said to him softly; Good night ray let's keep this a secret. Mariah then made Ray turn his back again and pushed him nicely at her open door room and closed it, Ray walked at the hallway to his room so he can sleep.

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