A Gift from Him

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The other day everyone has waked up from their sleep, Master Tao and Gary had left early to bring some food from the village, in the yard Lee and Ray found out there are no storm anymore, Lee said when he was relived; phew good thing no one got hurt. Ray said when he's little down; Yeah.. Lee looked at him and said; ray you alright man. Ray; yea lee I'm fine. Lee wasn't sure so he said; I don't know you look like you didn't sleep are you sure you ok. Ray was a little mad so he said; Lee I said I-[cough cough]. suddenly the cough stopped him and Lee said; Ray you okay. Lee asked him when he put his hand to Ray's shoulder, Ray looked at him and said; don't worry lee I [cough] i'm...fine. Ray's body felt down, Lee; RAY. Lee looked so worried he called Mariah; MARIAH. Mariah came out of the house; what is it lee-[GASP] oh No RAY what happened to him. she asked Lee while she ran towards him to see Ray, Lee said to her looking worried; I don't know he was alright a minute ago but then he fill. Mariah touched Ray's forehead with her own hand she felt a big hot fever from him and she told Lee; I think he has a fever lee. Lee; we need to find a doctor and FAST. Mariah; ok i'll go find one right away.

Mariah ran to the village looking for a doctor meanwhile Lee carried Ray with his own arms and walked inside the house Kevin saw him with Ray on his arms and said; huh what happened to ray lee. Lee; I'll explain later but right now I need you to bring some water for ray. Kevin; okay. Lee walked to Ray's room and put Ray on his bed slowly and said; hang on buddy. Kevin came and brought some water bucket; I brought water lee. Lee; good job could you bring me a towel. Kevin; sure thing. Kevin ran to bring a towel while Lee put his hand on the water to see if it's mode Hot or cold; this water is good. Lee said it while he was examining the water, Kevin came back with the towel; Brought it lee. Kevin said it when he give Lee the towel. Lee; thanks. Lee put the towel inside bucket of water then he got it out and squeezed it till it's water inside it drops little like a sponge then he took off Ray's yin yang headband and put the water towel on his forehead to hold the fever.

Kevin saw Ray and said; is he going to be okay lee.. Lee said; he'll be fine but the only thing we have to do is wait for mariah and hope that she found a doctor. Kevin; you have a point but I was wondering if ray will hold on. Kevin was about to cry but Lee's voice stopped him; Kevin you're a man and a man stays strong no matter what happens even ray. Kevin; yes you're right. Lee and Kevin stays with Ray till Mariah comes with the doctor. a little while ago Mariah came back with the doctor and said; GUYS I brought the doctor. Lee; Bout time you're here. The Doctor; so where's my patient. Lee; he's right there please come in. Lee and Mariah walked the doctor to Ray's room and the doctor checked on him he asked the others; can you please wait outside. Mariah answered him nicely; sure doctor we will. they were waiting outside for the doctor to finish on Ray.

after 2 and half minutes the doctor came outside Ray's room and the others asked him first one was Mariah; how is he doctor is he alright. Lee; yeah doctor how's Ray. Kevin; Please tell us. The Doctor; no need to worry he's completely unharmed but he's Fever was strong good thing that I stopped it but can I please know when did that happened. Lee; in the morning he had some coughs a little and then he felt down. The Docter; hmm I see it must've been the storm yesterday. Mariah was so shocked hearing it and Lee said to him; WHAT no it CAN'T BE that's not true he wasn't outside he was with us the whole time stop lying around. Mariah; but it's actually true lee the doctor wasn't lying. Lee looked at her and said; what makes you so sure mariah. Mariah; well it's a long story. The Doctor; i'm sorry to interrupt but allow me to tell you more about your friend if you please. Mariah; oh yes doctor please continue.

The Doctor continued; as I was saying he'll be fine with this medicine. he give the medicine to Mariah and continued talking bout Ray; you have to give him one pill after breakfast and after he sleeps until 5 days he'll be in perfect shape with no worries but you have to let him rest for now till he wakes up do you promise me. Kevin; sure thing doctor we promise. Lee; we will take very good care of him. The Doctor; thank you now I have to take my leave if you please. the doctor left the house and Mariah waved her hand to him and said; Thank you so much Doctor. Lee; well mariah we're waiting for you to explain. Mariah sighed and said to them; Fine but can you two please set down. Lee and Kevin sat down to hear Mariah's explanation Mariah then sat with them and began to explain; well yesterday I sneaked out before the storm and I went out to the forest, when the sky begin to rain I was about to head back but the thunder of the storm scared me I couldn't even move I tried to call for help but no one came I thought I was done for, but suddenly ray came to me and helped me to get back I was rescued that's why I owe my life to him, he was so brave and strong back there and he was my hero and that's what happened.

when Mariah finished explaining to them Kevin asked her a question; so why did you ran to the forest in the first place. Mariah; it's because of this. Mariah showed them the brooch, Lee; a brooch. Kevin; WOW look it has a tiger sign on it cool. Mariah; this is actually from ray he gave it to me before he left the village for his journey I always kept it with me it was my only treasure. Lee; that's kind of you mariah i'm glad you told us everything. Kevin; oh now I see what's going on. Lee; what do you mean kevin. Kevin; what I mean is Mariah is actually in love with ray. Mariah had very big blush on her face she got very mad at Kevin and she said to him; HEY cut it out Kevin. Kevin; mariah is in loove mariah is in loove.

Kevin keeps messing with her, Mariah couldn't take it she was about to hit Kevin's head to shut him up but Lee made him to stop; Come on kevin stop now or else. Kevin got scared by Lee's eyes so he said; uhh yes s-sure.. Mariah; thank you lee. Lee; no problem. Mariah; anyway i'm gonna go check on ray. Mariah went to Ray's room to check on him while Kevin and Lee still sitting talking, when she got inside his room she saw Ray at his own bed she walked towards him slowly so she won't wake him up when she came to him she took a water towel off Ray's forehead after that she touched Ray's forehead with her own head ones again to see how's the fever; thank goodness the fever is down a little. Mariah said it as she looked at Ray's face of how cute and charm he is she couldn't control herself but she was about to leave the room, suddenly Ray's voice stopped her as he woke up; m...mariah is that you. Mariah; r-ray. Ray; it is you. Mariah looked very happy she came towards him and gave him a softly hug she said to him; Oh Ray I'm so very glad you're okay. Ray; were you worried. Ray asked her and she said to him looking at his own eyes with hers; of course I was not only me Lee and Kevin were also worried bout you when you faint. Ray; Really I didn't know.

Lee; yea right you didn't. Lee interrupt them and Ray looked at him with surprised face; LEE. Kevin; hey don't forget about me. Mariah; KEVIN. Kevin ran towards Ray and gave him a hug; Ray I can't believe it you're alive. Ray; ahahaha of course I am kevin. Lee; alright kevin get off him he needs rest. Kevin; oh sorry. Lee; glad you're okay ray you have no idea how worried we were we didn't even know what to do without you. Ray; gee thanks lee i'm all better now [cough]. Mariah; the doctor give us medicine just for you he also told us to give you 1 pill after breakfast and after you sleep until 5 days you'll be good as new. Ray; that's nice to hear [yawn] well I feel like I wanna sleep now. Kevin; hold on i'll bring some cup of water. Kevin left the room bringing cup of water for Ray.

Lee; guess it's medicine time for ya. Ray; yup. Kevin came back fast with the cup of water and gave to Ray while he's on his own bed; thanks kevin you're a big help. Ray thanked him and Lee said; well I guess we're going to leave ya guys. Kevin; huh but we're not. Lee; C'MON NOW. Lee grabbed Kevin on his own shirt and walked with him outside Ray's room meanwhile Ray and Mariah seemed alone again Ray; so we're alone again. Mariah; yeah....ahem here's your pill. Ray; thanks. Ray ate the pill and drinking the water to swallow it when he finished he gave the to Mariah and said to her nicely; Thank you so much mariah for all your help for me. Mariah said to him with a blush face; your most welcome ray. after that Mariah kissed Ray on his lips with hers softly and deeper Ray then kissed her back of how much love he gave it to her they both want it to stay like that for a while but Mariah broke the kiss slowly and touched Ray's cheek also said to him while she looked at his shiny eyes softly; goodnight ray happy dreams. Ray; goodnight too mariah happy dreams. Ray lay's his head on his comfy bellow, Mariah took the cup and left his room and closed the door for him.

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