The Reason of Love

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when Mariah closed Ray's room door her heart felt lots of happiness for her beloved Ray that he was alive with no harm, Lee saw her and asked her: "How is he, Mariah?"

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when Mariah closed Ray's room door her heart felt lots of happiness for her beloved Ray that he was alive with no harm, Lee saw her and asked her: "How is he, Mariah?". Mariah: "He's ok he's just sleeping." after that Master Tao and Gary came back when Gary said; we're back. Lee shushed him; shh..keep your voice down. Gary; why. Gary asked and Lee answered him quietly; Because Ray is sleeping. Gary; Oh gary is sorry bout that. Master Tao; so do you have something to share with us. Mariah; yeah but it's a long one.

Mariah, Lee and Kevin explained to Gary and their Master of what happened while they were gone, when they finished Master Tao said to them; so that's what happened. Gary; gary is so Glad that ray is okay. Kevin; yea talk about close call. Lee yawned and said looking sleepy; guess it's bedtime for us as well. Mariah; your right it's getting midnight well goodnight everyone. and so they all slept.

the other day in the morning Ray woke up from his bed and yawned; is it morning. Ray asked himself while he was staring at his window till random person sweet voice interrupt and answered him; Yes it is. when Ray heard the voice he saw in front of him of who voice was that turns out it was Mariah's voice; OH morning Mariah. Mariah; morning Ray. Mariah entered Ray's room and came towards him while she was holding a breakfast that she made just for him Pancakes, omelet, and meat sandwich; it's breakfast time. Mariah said it to him putting a breakfast on his lap; Thanks Mariah I am hungry. Ray thanked her when he start eating breakfast.

Mariah sat next to him glaring at her beloved Ray of how much he eats how much he get's cuter after that when Ray finished breakfast he said while he was relaxing on his bed and sighed; your a Best cook breakfast ever mariah. Mariah; thanks ray. but before she take the plate breakfast from Ray's lap she looked at him and saw a little piece of pancake on his face; you got something on your face. Mariah told Ray and he asked; Really where. Mariah; here silly. she took the little piece of pancake off his face and ate it when she did she giggled a little at him And Ray was blushing a little and laughed a little.

Mariah took the plate breakfast from Ray's lap and put it away a little so she can give him a medicine after breakfast; it's medicine time. Mariah said it when she give Ray 1 pill and glass of water; yeah thanks. Ray said it when he ate the pill and drink the water to swallow the pill he finished it and give Mariah the glass back to her as she was about to leave but Ray's voice stopped her; uh mariah can you stay a little I want to talk to you. Mariah; okay what is it. Mariah stayed and sat next to him ones again to hear his question.

Ray then asked; I always want it to ask what were you doing in the forest back there in the middle of storm. Mariah answered him with a little blush on her face; it's because of this ray. Mariah showed him the brooch that it had a tiger sign on it and also said; do you remember this brooch ray.. Ray; y-yeah this brooch is actually. Mariah looked at the brooch and told him; yes it's the brooch that you've give it to me before you left the clan. Ray looked at her and said; wow I still can't believe you still have it. Mariah; of course I still have it did you think that I would throw it away. Ray; what no that's not what I meant but mariah can I know the reason why you love me so much. Mariah; well it's because of you Ray without you I would've not been happy. Ray; what do you mean.

Mariah started explaining to her own beloved of what she meant; when I first meet you, you were like a friend to me but whenever I was sad you always cheering me up, whenever I was in trouble you always came to my add and helping me, That's why I realized something that you were more then a friend Ray you're the one who made me happy and you're the one who give me the courage for not being alone or scared anymore that's why...that's why I felt in love with you. she also continued when she put her hand with Ray's hand and hold it nicely; so from now on it's my turn to help you even if it takes my life I still won't leave you.

when she finished talking Ray looked at her and hold her hand nicely as well he said to her with his honesty; oh Mariah I'm sorry I didn't know bout this I really am but please don't push you're self too hard I still love you as much as well. Ray then kissed Mariah's forehead, Mariah then hugged her beloved Ray as how much she loves him; oh Ray I love you so much too. Ray looked happy and he put his mouth near Mariah's ear and said to her softly; I have something to show it to you. Mariah also said to him softly; really and what's that. Ray broke the hug slowly and showed something to Mariah.

Ray; it's actually this. Ray showed the amulet to Mariah, Mariah said looking at it; this amulet could it be. Ray; yes it's the amulet charm that you give it to me before I left the clan as well. Mariah was so surprised hearing it she said to her beloved Ray with a sweet smile on her face; wow ray I can't believe it that you still have it. Ray; so your surprised as well huh I had it with me since I was in the journey with driger and my friends. Mariah hugged him tightly around his waist and she said with a little tears on her golden eyes; oh Ray I love you. Ray; I know Mariah I love you too.

Kevin then called her from outside the house; mariiaaah. Mariah was shocked hearing Kevin's voice she let go off Ray's waist and got very mad at him as she respond to him; WHAT KEVIN. Kevin; Gary's leg got stuck in the tree again. Mariah sighed and said to herself; gary why why now. Mariah took the plate breakfast and the glass so she can return them back to the kitchen to clean them later but right now she kissed Ray's cheek and said to him; make sure to gets some rest ok. Ray; yeah no problem. Mariah; i'll be back soon. she left Ray's room and closed the door, she then ran to the kitchen and put the plate breakfast and the glass slowly and ran outside to help the others out.

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