Story About The Past

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Inside the house, Master Tao checked on Mariah while the others were waiting in the yard. Lee said while he was bored: "It's been 12 minutes what's taking him." Master Tao came out and the others asked him about Mariah: "Master Tao how's Mariah?" Ray asked him, also Lee said: "She's not hurt is she.."

Master Tao told them "No no she's perfectly fine, she only lost her senses. All she needs is some rest that's all." Gary sat down when he heard it: "Thank god," Ray: "the most important thing is that she's not hurt, by the way Master Tao can I ask you something?"

Master Tao: "Yes?" Ray: "Can you please tell us more about this forest that we ran off to?" Kevin: "Yes Master, please tell us more about it." Master Tao: "very well then if you really insist knowing about it."

The boys sat down to hear it, Master Tao began the story: "A very long time ago, the forest was planted near the White Tiger clan 400 years ago by the Legendary Warrior along with his white tiger. He died for the sake of the forest and his people, but no one knew his name, he didn't even tell them yet, that's why his tiger was very responsible for him and that's why this village was called the White Tiger. As for the forest the living wild animal creatures lived there as there own home. That is the story about it my children and I hope you learned something from it" Master Tao walked back inside to check on Mariah again.

Kevin said and he looked so down: "What have I done.. because of me Mariah almost got hurt." Lee: "don't blame yourself Kevin, it wasn't your fault." Kevin: "But IT IS MY FAULT if I handn't watched over her none of this would've happened!" Ray said to him with his honesty: "Hey it's alright we're not mad at you." Kevin: "really...", Gary: "Yeah we're family after all." Kevin: "What about Mariah what can I possibly say to her?" Ray: "Just tell her the truth, she won't be mad at you in fact she'll forgive you."

After that Master Tao called them: "Come here boys Mariah has been woken up." The boys came inside to see her, and she said: "Hey guys." Ray: "Mariah thank goodness your okay, we were all worried about you." Mariah: "Really you were? Well sorry about that." Lee whispered Kevin's ear and said: "Ok kevin you can tell her now." Kevin: "O-okay.." He walked there to her and said: "Umm Mariah I'm... I'm sorry I'm really sorry." Mariah: "Huh what are you talking about?" Kevin said crying: "It was my fault for not watching you and because of that you almost got attacked by wild wolfs, so I'm sorry..*sob*.. *sob*...."

Mariah: "Kevin..." She hugged him and said: "It's ok you don't need to apologize, you don't even have to cry either because I don't want to see you crying so please don't cry, ok?" Kevin wiped his tears away and said to mariah smiling: "Ok I won't and that's a promise." Mariah: "Thank you." And gary suddenly heard his stomach growling high and said: "Oh i'm hungry again." Lee: "Oh brother." Ray: "Then let's eat some food." Everyone in the house: "YAY!"

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