Starting The First Day

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In the next day at morning, Ray and Mariah explained to their master and their friends about taking care of the forest together and they all agreed to help, after that Lee said: "Ok then but do we start?" Lee asked; we should start by splitting up...

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In the next day at morning, Ray and Mariah explained to their master and their friends about taking care of the forest together and they all agreed to help, after that Lee said: "Ok then but do we start?" Lee asked; we should start by splitting up into 2 groups, lee, kevin, and gary should go to left side, mariah and I will go the right side any questions. The others answered; No. Ray; Good then let's start, when we get tired we'll meet together at the house. Lee; got it, good luck guys. Mariah; you too.

and so the 2 groups started taking care of the forest as a team, at Lee's group Kevin start putting some water and leafs on side of the tree so it won't fall, Lee also helped by bringing water buckets from the ocean while Gary was carrying them. at Ray's group he and Mariah was trying to look for some seads of the dead tree that can help other trees and new trees to grow up.

Ray; I found it. Ray found 5 seads as for Mariah; me too I found them. Mariah found 9 seads. Ray; Great job mariah, now let's find some place where we can plant them. Mariah; Okay. they walked around the woods to find the perfect spot, Ray saw it and said to Mariah; let's plant them here. Mariah; and let's put some water in it too. they start planting the seads inside the ground and put water in it. after that Ray and Mariah finished it and they about to move on to the next one.

but before that Mariah saw some seads stuck inside the sand, she suddenly grabbed Ray's hand and said; Ray look over there, there's some seads inside the sand let's go and get it. she pulled Ray's hand and ran faster as she was excited, But Ray said; whoa slow down mariah. Mariah didn't listened to him until that she said; we're almost there..just a little further. and so soon Mariah just slipped from the rock; AAhhh. Ray tried to pull her hand; MARIAH HOLD ON. Ray pulled her fast so she won't fall from here but her ankle suddenly got injured from the rock.

Ray sat her down and she said touching her ankle; Oww. Ray said; man mariah are you alright.. Ray asked her; yes i'm alright my ankle got hurt that's all, but don't worry I can still stand up-OW. she touched her ankle again as it hurt so much. Ray told her bout her ankle; you can't stand up unless your ankle get's some medical attention. Mariah; but how. Mariah asked him; First we need to stop your ankle from pain, so you can stand up again. Ray looked left or right to find some place where Mariah can stay, he found it and said; over there, we can get your ankle to rest there.

Mariah; but ray I can't stand up and you know that. Ray; then allow me to help you. Ray carried Mariah with his own arms gently, Mariah; ray.. Ray; if anything happens to you i'll do anything I can to help. Ray start walking while he was carrying Mariah. Mariah looked at him while he was walking with blush face and without a word. she seemed very happy with him. after that Ray finally made it to the place he wanted and put Mariah down gently; stay here i'll be right back. Ray told to Mariah to stay here setting on tree's back.

1 minute later, Ray came back with a little plant on his hand, Mariah asked about it; what is that Ray. Ray answered; this will help to get your ankle to feel better. Mariah; Really. Ray; yeah here let me put it on your ankle. Mariah; o-ok. she took her right boot off so Ray can put some of the plant he brought. Ray squashing it until it's really worm and put it nicely on Mariah's ankle, and wrapped it with some of his cloth shirt and said when he's done; This should do it. Mariah looked at her ankle, she moved it a little and said; wow the pain's gone. Ray; see it helped. and then Ray pulled Mariah's hand very carefully so she can stand up ones again. Mariah; Hey I can stand UP. Mariah looked very happy.

Ray; hey take it easy mariah you might fall again. Mariah; oh sorry. Ray; well the sunset is almost down we have to head to the house. Mariah; you maybe right, the others might waiting for us there. Ray; Let's go then. Mariah said to Ray; um ray. Ray; yes mariah. Mariah; I just..[blushing a little]..I just wanna say thank you for helping me back there. Ray; no problem, I'm just glad your alright. Mariah; oh Ray thank you again. Ray said petting his own head; haha your welcome mariah. and so Mariah and Ray start walking home together.

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