Playing Together

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In the yard Mariah finished taking Gary's leg off the tree when she took a deep breath and said; There Done. Gary touched his leg and said to Mariah when he looked at her smiling; Thanks a lot mariah gary can walk now. when Gary stand up he felt like he was free again while Kevin is relived for him, he talked to Mariah with a mockery face; so Mariah how's your lover boy doing.

Mariah got a little mad and a blush face at him she said; I told you to cut it out didn't I. Kevin smirks at her; oh come on if I did how am I supposed to have fun..ahahahaha oh man. Mariah; KEVIN why you little-i'm gonna go inside if anyone needs me again. Lee; okay. Kevin was still laughing and he couldn't take it but Lee stopped him once again; Kevin that's enough. Kevin got scared from him; y-y-yes lee...

when Mariah got inside the house she went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and glasses to make sure everything is clean and sparkle, 1 and half minute later she was done cleaning them and went to see how her beloved Ray is doing when she stopped at his door room she opened the door to see him when she said; Oh raaayy i'm back. Ray shouted at her; NO DON'T COME IN. Mariah got shocked with a big blush on her face when she saw Ray was changing his clothes.

She said yelling at him; AHHH I'M SO SORRY. she closed the door right away and felt very embarrassed of what she did just now she said to herself; ooh what have I done.... she made a facepalms as for Ray he said to her while the door is closed; it's alright Mariah you can come in now. Mariah; oh ok.

she opened his door room again and saw Ray with only wearing long white pants she tried to apologize to him with a little blush on her face and closed eyes; Ray i'm really really sorry I didn't know you were changing. Ray; it's ok Mariah I can't really blame you. while Ray was talking with her he wear a shirt and sat on his bed, Mariah then opened her eyes and she was happy that Ray wasn't mad at her.

she sat next to him on his bed and she asked him; so ray how're you feeling. Ray answered her; Fine and I don't feel worse thanks to you. Mariah; aw it was nothing i'm just glad I could help. Ray asked her bout her blade; how's your Galux. Mariah; she's fine she used to help me taking out the bad guys as always. Ray; then how bout we have a battle. Mariah; what are you serious. Ray; of course I am I wanted to know how power your galux was growing since I was gone.

Mariah; but aren't you still sick. Ray; don't worry about me mariah i'll be okay. Mariah; sigh fine but only for your sake. Ray; alright let's go. Ray grabbed Mariah's hand and they got outside the house without others noticing them, Ray was running to the forest while he's still grabbing Mariah's hand and she was running with him as well Mariah said to him; Wait ray don't you know that we Have the beyblade dish on our house. Ray; I know that mariah. Mariah; why are we running to the forest then. Ray; because there's another beyblade dish.

Mariah; what makes you say that. Ray; Lee and I were training with it actually. Mariah was surprised hearing it; WHAT Lee didn't tell me bout that. Ray; Well we both decided to keep it a secret. Mariah; I can't believe it. Ray; I know right well here we are our secret beyblade dish. They finally stopped at the secret house wood where the other dish was hidden.

Mariah; wow it's so peaceful here. Ray; Yup peaceful and best place to have a Beyblade battle. both of them walked to the dish and they're about to launch their blades, Ray; OK on my countdown..3..2..1.LET IT RIP. Mariah; LET IT RIP. their both launched their blades at full power and speed. Ray; GO DRIGER. Mariah; GO GALUX.

Mariah's galux hit Ray's driger and Ray said to Mariah about her; Not bad mariah seems your galux looks strong than before. Mariah; thanks but that's not all I have a super attack and it's going to end you GO GALUX CAT BITE. Mariah's galux is heading towards Ray's driger with it's super attack But Ray was still smiling and he wasn't worried at all when he said; Sorry mariah but i'm the one who's gonna end it DRIGER GATLING CLAW. Ray's driger beat Mariah's galux and made it fly out of the dish and that means the winner is Ray and his driger.

Mariah was so surprised of how much strong Ray become when he left the clan; That was Amazing ray you and driger were unstoppable. Ray; thanks mariah you and galux were great as before. Mariah; why thank you ray. Ray smiled sweetly at her and he had something special in mind; say how about we let them play together. Mariah; are you sure what if they ran away. Ray; don't worry just trust me. Mariah; alright then it won't hurt for a try.

They're about to launch their blades once again but not in the dish there going to launch it out of it, then their both said at the same time; LET IT RIP. Driger and Galux were spinning together without even attack, as Mariah looked at them and said to her beloved Ray; you were right ray they are playing together with no harm. Ray; see told ya now why don't leave them be while we have our own fun. Mariah was blushing hearing it so she said; yeah let's do this alone. both of them walked inside the house who it's made of wood to have fun or should I say Love together.

 both of them walked inside the house who it's made of wood to have fun or should I say Love together

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And so the love birds decided to stay like this for a while.

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