The White Tiger Family

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Ray became a true white tiger warrior to help the people of his village

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Ray became a true white tiger warrior to help the people of his village. Lee and the others were helping him even his lovely beloved Mariah she always help him, supporting him and love him a lot.

One day afternoon in the forest Ray was trying to find something inside the forest something amazing for his beloved Mariah. Meanwhile in the house's yard Lee was using the axe to cut down some woods while Gary and Kevin was carrying it and put it behind the house to use them for putting a fire or something for couple a while.

Their own master Tao was traveled after Ray became a man to take care of the village while he's gone and Mariah was making an orange juice for her friends after all the house work after she finished she took 4 juice glasses outside to give it to them.

Mariah saw Kevin and Gary carrying all the wood that Lee was cutting she called them for a drink: "Hey boys thirsty?" she asked and they said: "Yeah thanks" they answered as they put the woods they were carrying down with the other woods.

Mariah then give Gary and Kevin orange juice that leaves 2 glasses left then she walked behind Lee who was still using the axe to cut the rest of the woods, Mariah: "hey lee some orange juice?" she asked and he said taking a deep breath after he stopped cutting: "Yea thanks a lot mariah" he put the axe down and wiped his head who was all covered in hot sweat then he took the orange juice gently and took a lot of sip from it.

Mariah was glad to help but she realized there was only 1 glass of orange juice left and she realized it belongs to her dear beloved Ray she then asked Lee if he know where he is:"lee where's ray? I haven't seen him this morning" she then turned her head slowly to Left and Right to see where her Beloved could be and he said: "I saw him this morning and then he left to bring something from the forest"

Mariah: "really? I wonder what it is.." Mariah wondered and she then walked inside the house to think about it she then had a thought on her mind about Ray: [ray i wonder what you're doing right now i'm worried about you]. she looked down at her lap with a sad little face of her after that someone knocked at the window near Mariah she then gasped and saw who was knocking the window turns out it was her beloved Ray.

Mariah: "Ray you're back! i'm so glad" Ray walked inside the window instead of the door and Mariah hugged him with a happy face of her. Ray: "afternoon mariah, did ya missed me so soon?" he asked and hugged back. Mariah then said and still hugging him: "No silly I was worried about you, how could you leave in the morning without asking Me" she looked a little mad at him.

Ray then said to her with a sweet smile: "sorry i made you worried I was trying to bring something" he was telling the truth to her. Mariah broke the hug and asked him: "and what is that something" she said it looking at him. so he said with a trick on his mind: "first close your eyes" Mariah closed her eyes as her beloved asked and then Ray pulled out something on his pocket and looked at Mariah's face of how beautiful she is when her eyes are closed.

he didn't focus on his surprise for her because her pretty face made him distract so he snapped out of it and told her: "Okay you can open your eyes now" Mariah opened her eyes and saw on Ray's hand a pretty bracelet of real Pearls, Mariah then asked him a question: "is that for me?" Ray: "yes it's yours I was finding these pearls from the forest and I made a bracelet of them just for you mariah" Mariah smiled at him and said to him: "aw ray thank you"

she took the bracelet and placed it on her right hand Ray then said to her looking at her hand: "it looks beautiful on you" Mariah blushed and says: "yeah it is i can't believe you got all through this just for me Ray that's so sweet of you" she put her arms around Ray and kissed him on his lips with hers very, very deeply of how much she loves him without stopping and Ray feels the same and didn't stop the kiss either.

in the midnight Ray took Mariah's hand and walked with her outside of the house and stopped behind it for an important private between them with the stars and light of the moon. Mariah looked at him and said: "what is it that you want to talk with me about Ray?" she asked so he said: "will you be understand if i said something?" Ray said it looking at her. Mariah: "of course I will sweetie" she answered but Ray didn't answer her first question yet.

Ray closed his eyes and said to himself: "okay here goes nothing" he said it putting one of his knees down and said to her something very special: "Mariah Wong, my beautiful Angel and the Love of my life, will you be happy of marring me?" he said it looking at her and pulled out the black box opened with the Engagement Ring in it.

Mariah was smiled happy with a little tears coming out of her eyes and said to him: "Oh Ray of course I would be happy to marry you!" Ray then stand up on his own knees and looked very happy so he said to her gently: "Mind if I do the honors?" Mariah said to him: "yes please." Ray then took out the Ring out of the box and placed it on Mariah's right hand once again where she placed the bracelet and still wearing it.

Then both of them hugged each other as they were happy with their eyes are closed Ray said to his beloved Mariah while hugging: "Mariah I Love you so much you're my worthy to be my wife." Mariah also said to her beloved Ray while hugging: "I Love you too Ray so much of my life you're really my worthy to be my husband as well." and so they kept hugging together as they don't want to lose each other.

10 years later on the village a young little girl came to the white tiger house and called someone: "Mommy! Daddy I'm back!" Mariah the mother looked at her daughter happy: "welcome home Rin how's the beyblade contest?" Rin said to her mother: "it was great! my uncle Lee came there and cheered me on and that's how made me win" Ray the father walked to his daughter and pet her head and said: "great job you were amazing!" he was proud of her, she smiled to him and said: "thanks daddy" her mother walked to her and said: "alright then I think it's launch time, I even made a fish with eggs just for Rin, our little sweet champion." Rin smiled big happy at her and said: "WOW Really?! it's my favorite!"

her father also said to her: "not only that, after the launch i'm going to teach you some new special moves for your beyblade style" Rin smiled to her sweet father and her sweet mother, she ran into them and hugged them as a cute family hug and said to them: "you too are my best parents i ever had i love you" then both of them said to her: "we love you too" and so Ray Kon became a father and Mariah Wong became a mother and they had their own child Rin Kon.

her father also said to her: "not only that, after the launch i'm going to teach you some new special moves for your beyblade style" Rin smiled to her sweet father and her sweet mother, she ran into them and hugged them as a cute family hug and sa...

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They lived together as one big happy family.

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