Saving Mariah

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"MARIAH, where are you!?" Ray shouted her name to find her, "Where could she be..." Kevin was trying to think as for Lee, "She's here somewhere I know it." Gary suddenly said, "Guys, look behind that tree," They checked behind it and they found a weird scratch: "A s-scratch.." Kevin freaked out seeing it. Ray touched it and said: "It's a wolf claw's scratch." Gary asked: "A wolf?"

Ray said: "Yeah, a wild one." Lee: "But why would there be a wolf here, there's no way something like that would!"

Kevin: "Maybe the old story about this temple is true.." Ray removed his hands from the tree, "Then that can be only one thing, Mariah is in trouble! We've got to find her and quick." The others: "Right."

They walked over to find her and called her name until, "Heeelp!" They heard her voice, "She's nearby!" Lee said, and then they finally found her, surrounded by three wolves. Ray was about to go down there but Gary grabbed his arm and said, "Whoa are you mad?" "I've got to help her."

"But there's too many and we're little, how are we supposed to help her?" Ray looked up to the round wood and said, "I have an idea, Lee you can roar like a lion right?" Lee said, "Yeah why?" Ray: "Just trust me." Then Ray took Lee up to the round wood and made him put his mouth in it and said, "NOW, LEE!"

Lee shouted at the wolves like a real lion until they ran off. Gary then said, "Wow, what a scary shout." Kevin says with glee, "YES we won, take that you stupid wolves!" Lee looked exhausted, "Aahhh I can't breath.." Ray finally came down to Mariah, "Mariah are you okay?" Mariah looked at him, "R-Ray...aaah."

She fell down and Ray said, "HEY Mariah wake up!" Lee came down to him and said about her, "We have to take her to Master Tao." "Okay," Ray said, and he carried Mariah back to the house with the others.

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