Going Out with Her

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3 days later, Ray became better from his own sickness Thanks to his friends and Mariah's care for him, he was really happy to have them, one day in the morning he was training with Lee in the yard of the house they used to do this everyday of their live to get very strong so they can help the people of their village and to build children's dreams

Kevin then interrupt their training; Hey guys. Ray; what's up kevin. Lee; Can't you see we're in the middle of training. Kevin; sorry about that but mariah said she want's you to get some fish for launch today.

Ray; that's it, alright we'll go bring some come on lee let's go. Lee sighed and said; alright let me get us a bucket. Lee walked behind the house to bring a bucket for the fishes, Kevin then talked with Ray while Lee is gone; so ray do you feel okay now. he asked and Ray said to him looking happy; Sure I'm never been that great before thanks to you and the others.

Kevin; cool I bet your girlfriend is happy for you. Ray; what do you mean girlfriend. Kevin; I meant mariah . Ray then was blushing about it so he said; Hey This is no funny kevin. Kevin laughed at him and said; But it's true ray she used to talk about you a lot without stopping.

Ray; wait for real. he asked him if he was telling the truth so he said; of course she used to like you a lot. Ray; mariah.... Ray was thinking about her Kevin smirked and to him; I bet you like her too why don't you tell her to go out with you. Ray; if you insist then i'll tell her tonight. Kevin; YES you go Ray. he said it with the excitement.

after that Lee got back with the bucket on his hand and he said; I brought the bucket. Ray; good let's go then. they both left to bring some fish.

2 hours later their both back with fishes and they walked inside the house to give it to Mariah. Ray; we brought some fish mariah. Mariah; oh good you're both back put them here please. Lee and Ray put bucket of fishes here and they go to the yard so they can train again.

meanwhile Their master was still sleep as always and dreaming about the girls like a Real pervert. Kevin and Gary were playing puzzle 30 pieces, there's only 4 pieces left Kevin took one and put it to the right place and took the other one to put it in it's correct place as well that makes 2 pieces left but Gary didn't know where to put it so he said by putting the piece in the wrong way; is it here. he asked and Kevin said; No Gary this is the wrong place you put it here.

he took the piece from Gary's hand and placed it in it's good place, Gary was surprised and said to him; oohhh I see gary get's it now. Kevin; alright gary you handle the last one. Kevin gave Gary the last piece so he can put it in the last spot Gary then put the last piece in it's own spot it was correct so Gary was feeling happy and said; Yay gary did it. he forgot that Kevin is the one who played with him and he helped him to finish the puzzle.

Kevin looked a little mad at him so he said; HEY I'm the one who helped YOU GARY. Gary didn't care he didn't listened to him so he kept celebrating himself. Kevin said to himself with a bother face; Man why me. after that Mariah called the others; BOYS It's launch time. Gary heard it and said to himself; Launch is yum gary is hungry now. Kevin; you're always hungry gary. so then everyone was eating launch.

in the midnight Ray walked to Mariah's room and nocked her door; Mariah you're there. Mariah respond to him; yes I am just wait a sec. she opened the door to see her beloved, Ray then said to her; can I come in. he asked, Mariah; sure you can come in. she made a way so her beloved can come in her room. Ray; thanks. he thanked her and Mariah asked him a question; so what you want ray. Ray; um do you mind uhh..

he tried to spell it but he was nervous so Mariah's words pushed him a little; yes do I mind what. Ray; D-Do you mind going o-out with ME. he finally spell it out with a blush face. Mariah giggles at him and she said her answer; of course i'll go out with you. Ray looked at her and said; really. Mariah was bothered that her own beloved Ray doesn't know that her answer is yes so she put her arms around Ray's neck, she pulled him closer and kissed him on his lips with hers very deeply Ray also kissed back in the same.

Mariah broke the kiss slowly and looked at her beloved's handsome face; yes really. she answered him in correct word, he was so glad he then said to her; then let's go together. Mariah and Ray sneaked out the house ones again to have their Lovely date.

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