The Past Before Leaving the Village

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6 and half years ago, before Ray left the village, he was first helping everyone as a last day for him before traveling, the first person whom he's going to help is Lee

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6 and half years ago, before Ray left the village, he was first helping everyone as a last day for him before traveling, the first person whom he's going to help is Lee. Lucky him he didn't need any help, he only wanted Ray to sit beside him in the yard and talk with him too: "So Ray, tell me what are you going to do?" Lee asked him: well first of all I've gotta go to japan. Lee; why japan.. Ray; cause I heard some of the people saying there going to open world beyblade preliminary and make a new team from it. Lee; I see, does that mean your going there. Ray; yes, because my Driger is excited and I are really excited about it, not only that I also wanna travel to the whole world so I can learn a lot about beyblade. Lee; that's cool, but your goal seems very tough. Ray; yeah I know what you mean lee, I just can't wait.

Lee; I wish you luck buddy. Ray; thanks lee your a good friend. after that Gary saw Ray, he called him with his high voice; RRAAAY. Ray and Lee got both shocked by Gary's high voice; NO NEED TO SHOUT GARY WE'RE RIGHT HERE, jizz you blowed up our ears. Lee got really angry at Gary; I did..gary is so Sorry. Gary apologized to them; It's alright, now what did you need from me. Ray asked; OH that's right come with me. Ray; ah ok, sorry lee I have to excuse you for a sec. Lee; Don't worry bout it, i'm done talking anyway I have much training to do. Ray; so you want me to help you with it. Lee; no thanks I can take care of it, Besides you should go help gary he needs your help. Ray; K then, siya Lee.

Ray left Lee to help Gary with something; alright gary what is it that you need. Ray asked and Gary said; up there. Ray looked up; huh, it's a tree of mangos. Gary; YES IT IS. Ray; so is there a problem with it. Gary; weeell master tao told me that mango is the most delicious fruit ever, so I wanted to try some of it on that tree but it's too high up for me to reach it that's why I needed your help ray. Ray looked at Gary with disappointed face and said; that's why you needed my help for FRUIT. Gary begged him; oh please Ray please I REALLY WANNA TRY THAT FRUIT WITH ALL COSTS. Ray couldn't help himself; sigh fine gary i'll help you out. Gary; you will HORAAY. Ray; but let me first teach you something of how you get fruits down from the tree. Gary; really how. Ray; 1 you use your blade, 2 you aim it very straight and LET IT RIP. Ray launched driger up to the tree until the mangos are down.

Ray; ALRIGHT I did it. 12 mangos falled down and Gary; WOW that was awesome ray Gary is so happy to have you. Gary grabbed one of the mangos and took a bite of it; MMmmm...So yum what master tao said is true they are delicious. Gary kept eating it and tried to give one to ray as a token of gratitude of friendship; Here ray try some too. Ray; but I'm not hungry..[stomach growling]. Gary; ray is hungry now. Ray; okay maybe I should have one. Ray took 1 mango from Gary and said; thanks gary. Ray ate it and he was very surprised of tasting it; Woah it is delicious. Gary; [munch] [munch] see, gary was right about it. Ray laughed a little; hahaha well yeah, but gary don't talk while your eating. Gary; ok. when Ray finished eating 1 mango, he was about to go inside the house and said something to Gary; alright don't forget what I taught you today. Gary; [munch] taught me what. Ray felt down and said; about how you bring the fruit down from the tree. Gary; oh yeaaah that, gary wouldn't forget that from ray. Ray; I hope so, bye gary. Gary; BYE Ray.

when Ray got inside the house, he was getting ready to leave when Kevin came inside his room and said; are you leaving.. Ray saw him and said; yes I am. Kevin asked him; then can I have beyblade with you. Ray ; what. Kevin; if your going to leave then at least I wanna have fun with you, so please beyblade with me. Ray said; Okay kevin let's beyblade. Kevin said surprised; your really gonna beyblade with me. Ray; Sure why not, there's no problem having fun with you now is it. Kevin suddenly said; OF COURSE NOT, let's do this. Ray and Kevin gone outside to the yard so they can have beybattle, they were about ready to launch there own beyblade. Ray; ready kevin. Kevin; you know i'm ready. Ray; 3. Kevin; 2. both of them; 1, LET IT RIP. Ray; GO DRIGER. Kevin; GO GALMAN. there both launched there beyblade at full speed and they were about to collapsed each other with full power as well, and then Kevin's galman was down that means Ray and his driger wins. Kevin; aww I lost... Ray; hey that was a good match kevin, keep this up and you'll get stronger. Kevin; Really you think. Ray said with happy face; of course and maybe you'll beat me someday too. Kevin; YEEAAHHH did you hear that galman, if we trained hard we'll become strong. Kevin and his Galman were very glad about Ray's complement; hey ray you'll be back again right. Kevin asked him and he said; sure i'll be right back soon. Kevin; I'm sure you'll become a great blader Ray. Ray; you got that right.

Ray was about to get his bag from the house and he told to Kevin; siya soon Kevin. Kevin; Siya ray when you get back we'll have another battle and i'll show what I've got. Ray; heh I know you well. so then Ray got inside the house and brought his own back bag with him, he saw his master and said; do you need anything master....master tao. Master Tao; ZZZzz.. Ray; sigh sleep as always, well master i'm leaving please wish me luck. Ray left the house and now he was about to leave the village But; RAY. Ray turned his back and saw someone calling him; huh Mariah. he saw Mariah and she came straight to him with foot; hahh..hahh.. Ray; wow mariah did you came all this way just to see me. Mariah; yes I was. Ray; you shouldn't be so rough on yourself y'know. Mariah; I just want to tell you something before you go. Ray; what is it that you want to tell me about. Mariah was very nervous and told him with a little blush face; it's very hard to say do you feel about me. Ray had a blush face when heard her saying like that he said nervous as well; huh how do I feel about you, well I-it's just-it's so hard for me to say it, but I can say one thing I care about you mariah. Mariah; ray. Ray; and there's something I wanna give it to you before leaving here. Ray give Mariah a brooch and she said; a brooch with a tiger sign on it. Ray; it's for you so you can always remember me.

Mariah smiled and said; oh ray thank you I have also something to give you, no, actually 2 somethings. Ray; really what's that. Mariah; 1 here this is for you. Mariah give Ray a good luck amulet charm. Ray asked her about it; what's this amulet for. Mariah answered him; it's called a good luck amulet charm I made it myself. Ray; you did, wow this amulet charm is pretty. Mariah; yeah it is, it'll protect you from something dangerous, not only that it'll also remind you of us. Ray; cool thanks mariah i'll take good care of it, by the way what was the other thing you were going to give me. Mariah; oh that well.. Mariah give him a kiss on his right cheek as a good bye for him; that was the other thing I give you. Mariah told Ray that this kiss was the other thing and he said with also blushing; oh haha thanks mariah really I am, well I think it's time for me to go. Mariah; yeah.. suddenly Mariah give Ray a hug and said; promise me you'll come back safety ray. Ray; I will mariah don't sweat it. Ray left mariah and she said waveing her hand to him; GOODBYE RAY. Ray also waved his hand to her while he was walking; GOODBYE MARIAH. and finally Ray left the village.

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