Ray and His Team

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6 years later, Ray left the village and started the journey with his own team and best friends Tyson, Kai, Max and Kenny. They've always been best friends and best teammates with Ray and now he's with them in Japan in Tyson's house: "Yo dude how's your trip, good?" Tyson's grandpa asked, and he said: "You bet grandpa, it was awesome right guys?" Max: "Yes it was." Kenny: "definitely." Tyson's grandpa: "Hmm I see, and you brought some friends too. Well your welcome to stay as much as you like."

Ray: "Thanks a lot." Kenny: "Ok guys let's do your training." Max: "'Kay chief" Tyson: "Oh come on chief this again, you can't be serious about this can you? Kenny: "Tyson this is the most opportunity you can get if you trained." Tyson: Can't I- *yawn* at least take a little nap chief, this was a long trip y'know." Kenny: "Well I-"

"Thanks chief," Tyson didn't listen to him so he skipped his word and left to sleep while Kenny tried to stop him: "Tyson wait!" Kai: "Let him kenny it's no use." Kenny: "But Kai...", Kai: "Even if we tried talking with him he'll never listen. Let's wait till tomorrow." Kenny: "Okay fine." They all decided to sleep till morning.

After that Ray was the first one who woke up from his sleep, but he wasn't training, he was actually thinking about his old friends and his own village, and the most important person to him was Mariah, he didn't know why but he would never forget about her because she seemed so nice and cared much for him.

Ray: "Mariah I wonder what you're doing right now, I hope you won't forget me, but don't worry when this is all over I promise I'll come back to you someday." After that Tyson and his friends woke up, saw Ray and said: "Hey morning Ray." Ray saw him and said smiling: "Hey Tyson good morning." Kenny: "Alright guys let's start the training session." The team except Kai, but he's happy: "YEAH!"

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