Waiting to Come Back

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Back at the White Tiger village, when Ray left, his own old team started practicing so they can become strong to protect their home and waiting for Ray to come to them. Morning in the yard Lee was training, Kevin and Gary went out to bring some wood and fruit from the forest, Mariah was cooking breakfast, and there own Master Tao well he's dream sleeping.

Gary dropped two apples, Kevin saw him and said: "Careful, Gary." Gary: "Sorry my mistake." Kevin told him while he was trying to walk inside the house with all the wood he's carrying: "We have to be careful not to dirty them." Suddenly Master Tao dropped his branch while he was sleeping, his branch walked in front of Kevin's foot without him noticing it he stepped on it and: "WOOAAAHH.."

Kevin fell down with all his wood on the ground except one was flying up to Lee's head, Kevin saw it targeting at him, and he tried to warn him: "WATCH OUT LEE!" Lee looked at Kevin and said: "huh-OWW!" The wood fell onto Lee's head and hit him, he looked angry at Kevin and said: "KEVVVVIN..!" Kevin ran off and said" I'm SORRY it was an accident!" Lee ran after him: "C'mere you Runt." They ran off around the yard. Gary came inside with the fruits so he can give them to Mariah: "I brought the fruit Mariah."

Mariah: "Oh good Gary you can put them here." Gary: "Ok." Gary put all the fruit he brought here just as Mariah asked him to, then suddenly Mariah heard noise from outside, she looked at Kevin and Lee & she said looking bothered: "Oh c'mon not that again." She went outside to stop them, Lee finally caught Kevin into his own arm and tried to teach him a lesson: "Ow i'm sorry i'm sorry.." Kevin tried to apologize to him: "Are you kidding ME your stupid wood hurt my darn HEAD!" but Lee didn't forgive him.

Mariah came to them and said: "ENOUGH YOU TWO." She gave them a punch to the left side of their face and said: "If you keep doing that there will be NO BREAKFAST GOT IT." Both of them said to her: "Sorry." After that, inside the house they started eating breakfast together. Mariah was drinking, Gary ate 3 plates of rice and wanted more: "More please." Gary asked nicely to Mariah, "Okay here you go Gary." Mariah said smiling sweetly at him. Gary enjoyed having fourth rice: "Thanks." Lee was eating 4 fishes, Kevin was also eating 7 fried eggs: "Mmm delicious..!" and Master Tao was eating some bananas. When they finished eating breakfast Lee sat down, "Ahh I'm full.." Kevin: "Me too, breakfast was awesome." Gary: "Yeah it was so yum." They sat together laughing while Master Tao was sleeping, dreaming again.

Mariah looked at them happily and started washing the dishes, 'I'm glad they're getting along with each other.' She looked at the clouds, thinking about Ray: "Oh Ray when will you come back.. Wherever you I'll always be waiting for you to come back." Mariah started to believe in Ray because her feelings for him would never change.

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