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3 months later, Ray and his team has won the world championship cup and each teammate got separated to his home even Ray he finally got back to china to his own village and his old friends.

when Ray saw his clan he said; ahh home sweet home and it's still good old as always. Lee and the others saw him, they looked really happy to see him; HEY RAY. Lee called him and Ray saw them and said; Hey guys long time no see. Kevin ran off and jumped at him looking happy; oh ray you have no idea how i'm happy to see you..[crying a little]. Ray told him while he was crying; heyy no need to cry kevin your a big boy now right. Kevin got off him so he can stand again, also he wiped out his own tears; yeah you right sorry bout that, I was so excited that's all. Ray; it's ok.

Gary came to Ray and give him a big hug; raaay you came back gary is so happy. Ray; h-hey gary wow you haven't changed a bit buddy. Lee; alright big guy you can put him down now. Gary put Ray down; we were waiting for you the whole time ray and we missed you too, here let me hold this for you. Mariah hold Ray's bag; thanks Mariah. Ray thank her for her help; your welcome. Lee put his hand to Ray's right shoulder and said; glad to have you back ray. Ray; yeah glad i'm back. Kevin; come on in, master tao was waiting for you.

Ray and the others walked inside the house to see there master; Long time no see master tao. Master Tao; ah ray my best student I see you didn't change yourself my boy. Ray; of course not master. Master Tao; mmhm I can see that through your pure eyes it's quite true. Ray; so master may I-master.. Master Tao; mmmmmm. Lee; hey master tao. everyone looked at master tao to see of what he's thinking. Master Tao; .......Zzzz. suddenly Ray and the others felt down and very little disappointed at there master; HEY WAKE UP OLD MAN. Lee shouted at him. Master Tao; H-H-HUH oh yes where was I. Ray; um I was saying may I please know what happened. Mariah; what are you talking about ray. Mariah asked and Ray explained; when I was on my way back, one of the big forest tree has been down on the ground. Master Tao; this tree was actually dead. Ray; What, it was dead since when did this happen. Master Tao answered; it happened a week ago suddenly this poor tree couldn't live much longer.

Ray; I see.., Mariah looked at him worried; ray. Master Tao; you should now gets some rest ray you must be very tired today, it was a long trip for you. Ray; yes master thank you. in the night everyone was sleeping except Ray he wasn't tired at all, he looked at the forest and said; I wonder how long can it last. Mariah came out of the house and saw Ray in the yard; Ray why are you out here in the middle of late. Ray; oh Mariah sorry I couldn't sleep it's just-something was bothering me all of a sudden it was actually the forest I was just thinking about it.

Mariah; really like what you were thinking. Ray; I was thinking how long can it live, after all this forest was plant here for a long time as a legend. Mariah; Oh I know, how bout we work together to take care of it. Ray; what. Mariah; if we do this maybe this forest we'll live I just know it will work. Ray; your right mariah this could actually Work. Ray was really happy about Mariah's idea and she said; Then let's do this tomorrow. Ray; yes let's [yawn] do this.., Mariah laughed a little; haha guess you need some nap. Ray; yeah I need my strength after all well good night Mariah. Mariah; good night ray. when Ray got inside Mariah said to herself; I'm glad my ideas could come in handy and Ray I'm glad I could make you happy again I hope we can be together someday. and so then Mariah got inside the house as well to sleep ones again.

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