Chapter 16: Whatever you're thinking, NO!

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Alexa's POV

"Lexi!" I heard a raspy voice. I know exactly whom it belonged to but I dreaded the thought of opening my eyes. Firstly, I was completely engulfed in his scent, God it was bliss. Second, I had been clutching onto his t-shirt for the dear life of me. I was kind of embarrassed, he was probably looking like a God right now and I probably looked like I just escaped from the set of a horror movie.

"I know you're awake, you're blushing." Can this get any worse?!

I can't remember shit from last night except when I saw Tytan kissing that girl. I don't know why I disliked that sight so much. I didn't know who it was but she would probably be like the real life version of a Disney princess. I noticed the size of her waist and that was enough for me. I was done. And he deserved that, didn't he? I had a headache that was killing me and that sight wasn't helping me either! I groaned out loud.

"Okay, since you're not awake." I could hear the playfulness in his voice and suddenly his arms tightened around my frame.

I heard him let out a breath and suddenly I felt it. His fingers crawling around my body- as creepy as that sounds in my head, he was tickling me! My eyes flew open and I screamed.

I tried fighting him away but he wouldn't stop! On top of that he has the audacity to chuckle!

"Stop!" I screamed.


"Please, I'll give you anything!" And he finally stopped.

"I fucking hate you!" I yelled and hit his chest. "How dare you do that, you know I'm sensitive when it comes to tickling. Leave me home, now! I'm not talking to you." I stuck my tongue out at him and sat away from him with my arms crossed as I huffed angrily.

"Aw come on Lexi-"

"Drive me home." I demanded.


"No! I'm not listening to you." He came closer to me.

"Lexi," he whispered and a shiver ran down my spine.

His knee was touching mine sending sparks through my skin. It was almost as if he had never touched me before. Like I was craving his touch. The fuck is wrong with you?!

"I'm sorry." He whispered so close to my skin, I got goosebumps.

Then his lips made contact with my cheek and my breath became shaky. It was such a small gesture but the way it affected me was insane. He pulled away after a few seconds.

"Still won't talk to me?" He asked. I didn't answer. "Alexa, you drool while you sleep." WHAT THE FUCK?!

My eyes snapped up to him and I stared at him with wide eyes.

Wait? Did he just call me Alexa? The fuck?!

Call me Lexi you idiot!

"You're kidding?" My voice was hoarse and guyish. Great, now I sound horrible too!

"No I am not." He chuckled. Yes, this morning could get worse. I literally drooled over Tytan's chest!

"I'm sorry?" I really sounded terrible. I was really close to sounding like Batman. For a girl, I sounded bad! For a guy, I sounded pretty fucking awesome.

"I kinda liked the feeling of you drooling on me." He smirked. Aww.

"I take back that sorry. Now I wanna go home." I whined.

"I guess I'll be leaving you home now." He said as he got out of the car and sat in the driver's seat.

I had a lot to figure out, beginning with how I could use a Batman voice to my advantage and leading up to how I was going to deal with butterflies everytime Tytan kissed my cheek or forehead.

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