Part 46: A little Progress

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"Hey, can I sit" Naomi comes up to me

"Yeah sure"

"Um happy belated birthday" she says akwardly

"Um thanks"

"Sorry I'm not saying on the actually day but I was really sick"

"Like a cold?

"No I passed out on the 16th"

"Oh my god, are you okay?

"I'll be blood pressure was low and now I'm under my doctor's supervision."

"Just for low blood pressure?

"Well I did also find out I'm anemic, so I have to get blood transplants for a little while"

"Awwe. I'm sorry Naomi"

"Tyler I'm okay...I just wanted to wish you happy birthday since I was your former bestfriend"

"Thank you again"

"Yeah, well see you around" she walks away.

She leaves me alone at the table and goes back over to her new "friends". I'm fine not having any friends and I all.. I'm over it by now. I turn my attention back to eating my chicken nuggets and fries. I can do bad all by myself.

*15 minutes later*

God I have to fucking piss!!! After all that milk and Arizona I have to go! I get up and ask my teacher for the hallpass.

"Make it quick" he hands it to me.

I grab my lady bag and dart out of the classroom. I make it just in time before my vagina explodes and thank the Lord for toilets. I finish up my business and wash my hands and then make my way back to the classroom. As I'm walking, I see Eric turn the corner up ahead. This was the first time seeing him since the incident and he was fucked...up. He stumbles up to me, letting me see the pain and suffering I caused to him. I mean, he had a black and blue eye, a busted nose and lip, scratches and bruises on his arms with bandaids...his arm was even in a sling. Wow Jamal really...really fucked up his day.

"H hi-- Tyler" he spoke to me

"Um hi"

"Uh I'm really sorry about what I did to you"

"It's fine I guess, I'm sorry my friend did this to you"

"No no-- don't feel bad, I don't wanna go back to the hospital"

"Why would you go back from me feeling bad?

"N nnothing-- did he give you my wallet"

"Yeah but--"

"Your welcome and tell him I will pay him back when I get my arm fixed"

"NO! You don't have do that...just go please"

"Im-- sorry" he says limping away.

What the fuck did Jamal do or say to him. He's a fucking wreck. Shit I feel so horrible right now because I did basically did this to him...and now he still thinks he owes me? What the hell..

*At home*

I'm on my couch watching spongebob...don't judge me and I'm also on instagram looking at random pictures aka stalking my friends. I get interrupted by a unknown number that appears at the top of my screen. I click over to see wassup.

"Hello may I speak to a Tyler Mayy"


"Hello miss Mayy, I'm calling from Protein World the company"


"So we have received your audition for our new face and I called to let you know that we would love to give you a shot"

"Oh my god, yes. Thank you so much"

"It's my pleasure, we actually do have a studio near Chicago...I believe it's located Cicero. But I will give you their number so you can get started"

"Okay, I'm ready..."

"Alright their number is..."

"Okay, should I call them now?

"Sure, Go do that"

"Alright thank you so much for the opportunity" I say before hanging up.

I'm so pumped! I can finally get into modeling, this was always my childhood dream. I quickly call up the number the lady had given to me and talk with the manager of the studio. He told me I can start as early as tomorrow, I agreed and he told me the location to be at and we hung up. I wonder if I'm a get my own dressing room or maybe my own staff...oh my god my mind was running wild. I can not wait until morning.

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