Part 5: F**k him...Maybe

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It's the weekend and Chris is spending time with her Abuela for the two days. But luckily for me I won't be completely lonley because Kesean asked me to hang out with him.

*Phone rings* ...It's Kesean already

"Hello? I answer. I hear him sniffle, sounding like he's been crying or something. Maybe eve sick.

"Hello? Kesean?"

"Hey...ty" he finally says.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"My dad....he um died this morning..." he cries.

"Oh my god! Kesean I'm sooo sorry" I say shocked.

He cries even more, still trying to speak and get his words oyt to me.

It broke my heart hearing him cry...he was so messed up and broken,..... I could hear it all in his voice.

"Where are you now?" I ask him

He sniffles. "I'm at my cousins...I just can't go back home right now"

"Alright I'm coming, text me the address" I hang up

                  *20 mins later*🕐

I walk up to a single house and knock on the door. Kesean soon answers letting me come inside. I looked up at him, seeing that his eyes were bloodshot and tear marks coverd his cheeks. I felt horrible seeing him like this.  Feeling so sorry for him, I grab his arms to place them around me into a hug.

"Lets go in the basement" he suggests, leading me to the downstairs. In the basement we sat down on the couch looking at one another. He the  looks away. "I just...I just can't believe he's gone, you know"

"I know I know Kesean" I pull him into my arms rubbing his hair.

"I thought he....he was going to get better...but--" Tears began rolling down his face again. I tryed to wipe his face for him but I just couldn't stop crying myself. It was really hard to see him like this.

He breaks down in my arms crying and shaking and gasping for air. 

"Why they had to take my dad away...why mines yo?" he cries.

I tilt his face up to look at me. "Kesean listen to have to be strong now...your 18...and your dad would want you to be strong for him and grow up a man he raised you to become, you hear me. *I wipe his eyes* You have to think positive. I'm sure he's up above us right now missing you too. But just think....he's not in any pain anymore... he's not suffering either...he is "Well again"

He sits up and wipe his eyes, still sniffling. "Your right...I know he isn't suffering up there...I guess he's in a better place now. And if he was here, he would say KEISHA STOP CRYING LIKE A PUSSY!" he imitates his dad's voice

I laugh. "He called you keisha? Really?

"Yeah...that was my name when he thought I was acting "girly" pissed me off at times but that was his love" he smiles.

I smile and rub his leg.

"Thank you" he looks at me.

"No problem,I hate seeing you sad.  And don' think your a girl's private part for opening up to me. Your human, we all have feelings"

"Yeah I know. But you mind if..I lay back down on you?"

"Sure, come on" I pull him down in my arms.
                 *2 hours later*

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