Chapter 48: The Wedding

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"Oh God, why didn't you wake me up!?", I yelled at Marciello.

"You looked tired bebé," he said, giving me my breakfast.

''It's 9:20. The wedding starts at 10:30. I'm supposed to be at the church, getting ready", I told him.

"Where the hell am I supposed to go?", He asked.

"To the damn church. Oh my god and the kids still need to get ready and I have to make sure everything is ri-

"Shh calm down. I'll take care of everything," Marciello said.

"You sure?", I asked him.

"Yes bebé. I'll make sure everything goes right. Let's get to the church and I'll make sure everything goes according to plan," he said.

I nodded my head and put on my shoes while stuffing some breakfast in my mouth.

"We need to shower," I told Marciello. He smirked and followed me inside the shower. I turned it on and started to wash up. I felt Marciello's hand slip down to my sex.

"We don't have time for that," I said, squatting his hand away. I hurried up and washed up then I got out the shower. I dried off and then got dressed in some lounge clothes. Then I hurried and and brushed my teeth.

I woke the kids up and made sure they took a bath. One by one they bathe and showered. We really needed to move out this apartment.

"Brush your teeth," I told them. They all huddled around the sink, brushing their teeth, their eyes barely opened.

After they brushed their teeth, they got dressed.

"You didn't finish your breakfast," Marciello pouted. I grabbed the fork and shoved four pancakes in my mouth.

I ran inside my room and grabbed the stuff that I needed. I ran out the room.

"That's your dress," Marciello said, looking at it.

''We're going to have bad luck now,'' I said, feeling tears run down my face.

"That's bullshit," Marciello said, rolling his eyes," Your dress is going to look so beautiful."

"Thanks," I said, giving him a kiss.

"We need to get to the church," I said, pulling away.

We gathered the kids up and went to the church.

"Where the hell have you been!", Tasha yelled coming out the church like a mad woman.

"It's Marciello's fault!", I said as we ran back in the church. I stopped, gripping onto my stomach.

"Are you okay?", Tasha asked.

"Yeah I think it's just Braxton Hicks," I said. We got inside the church and I went inside one of the rooms and stripped down.

"Where's the dress?", Tasha asked.

"Here," I said.

''Good, let's get started on hair and makeup," she said.

I sat in the chair and she started doing my makeup. My stomach hurts so bad.

"Are you okay?", Tasha asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said. She continued doing my makeup and the contractions kept coming.

"I think we should pull your hair back for this one," she said. I nodded my head in agreement. We pulled my hair back into a low bun.

I stood up and felt a liquid run down my thighs.

"Oh my god," I said.

"Did your water just break?", She asked.

"I don't kn- oh god it hurts," I cried out, holding onto my stomach.

"We need to get you to a hospital," Tasha said.

"Hell no! I spent months planning this wedding and it's going to happen," I said.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. We should go to the hospital," Tasha said. I just shook my head.

"Help me in my wedding dress," I told her. She helped me get in it and then I put on my shoes.

''You ready momma?", Marciano said, coming in.

I nodded my head and I heard the music play. We walked to the start of the isle and Marciano walked me down.

I tried to keep a straight face the whole time, but I was slowly cracking. The pain was started to get unbearable.

"We are gathered here today for the un-

I lost focus as the priest started talking.

"You look beautiful," I heard Marciello whisper.

"Thank you, baby," I said in pain.

"Are you okay," he asked, worried.

"Do you Marciello Romani take Belle Marie to be your wife?", The priest asked.

"I do," he said.

"Do you Belle Marie take Marciello Romani to be your husband?", The priest asked.

"Yes- I mean I do,'' I said.

"By the power invested in me I pronounce you husb-

I hurried up and kissed Marciello.

"I'm going into labor. My water broke," I told Marciello.

"What are you serious?", Marciello asked.

"Yes oh god, it hurts so bad," I said, tears streaming down my face. We ran down the isle and the kids followed behind us. We got in the car and drove to the hospital.

"It's going to be okay," Marciello said, encouragingly.

"I feel like I'm about to die," I sobbed.

"Don't say that bebé," Marciello said. We made it to the hospital and they rushed me in.

"Oh shit I see the head already," the doctor said.

"I need you to push!", The doctor said urgently.

"Fuck!", I yelled as I pushed hard.

"The baby's almost out," the doctor said. I pushed again and the baby came out.

I felt tears run down my face as I heard our baby cry.

"I can't believe he's here," I said.

"I know he's so handsome, he looks just like me," Marciello said as the nurse handed me the baby.

"That sounded so cocky,'' I told him smiling.

"What are we naming him?", Marciello asked.

"Marconi," I said.

"That's interesting," Marciello said.

"Speak it in your Italian accent and roll your r with it," I said.

"Marconi," he said like I wanted him to.

"It's good right," I said.

"Yeah it's a little too close to macaroni for my liking, but yolo," he said as the nurse handed him the birth certificate.


The end. Sorry if you don't like it.

I've been writing the spin- off. I have written 3 chapters, if you guys want me to publish it I will. Only if you're interested, it's about Marciano. It will be called Beautiful Sinner.

Please let me know.

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