Fifteen ~ First Kiss

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"Onigiri!" Shin demands at me pouting.

"We had that yesterday, beside I don't even have the ingredients to make ongiri today, but I promise I will buy the ingredients after school" I tell Shin.

Shin nods once and gives me a quick hug before going to the living room to watch some TV.

Otou-San lefted not long ago, only yesterday, that's why we are out of ingredients for ongiri, Shin got upset when Otou-San left yesterday so I made ongiri to make him feel better... I can't believe Otou-San is going to be away for 2 years. He said he'll send off pictures and letters almost everyday. He also said he'll send presents for us.

But, I don't want presents and letters, I would enjoy having some time with Otou-San.

Holding hands with Shin we walk together to his school again like any other school day we have. Only today Shin is going on a school trip to visit a mesuem, I have signed a form for him to go but I'm still not sure. 

He won't be home until 4:30pm since the museum is so far away from where we are living.

Reaching the school I kiss Shin's cheek and say goodbye and I will pick him up later with some onigiri which makes him even more happy and he rushes off to his new friends.

Turning around to continue you walking I bump into someone and I quickly look up to apologise "I'm so sor- " I feel myself gasp in surprise.

"We meet again" Akito gives me a grin making me feel uncompfortable.

"W-What are you doing here?" I ask

"Just came to see how you are getting on, I think you are just fine, you know, I would watch out for that cow, he can turn quite dark you know"

"I think I will be just fine Akito, now goodbye" I say and walk pass him only to recieve a negative response.

Akito grips tightly onto my wrist digging his nails deep into my skin "I'll be watching Sawako... I can erase your memory anytime I want. One word and you won't even remember your boyfriend anymore"

Akito lets me go and he walks off into the distance leaving me standing there frowning. Sighing I continue walking towards my school.

Once the first couple of lessons finished I go outside for break to find everyone. Especially Haru. 


Turning around I see that Momiji was the one who called for me, everyone else is with him, walking over I realise that Haru isn't there with them.

"Black Haru is around" Momiji tells me and I start to worry and look around.

"I'm going to find him!" I annouce and start running to the first place I would think Haru would be.

"She doesn't give up" Yuki says quietly.

I stop running after a moment so I can catch my breath. I have been to three different places and Haru is nowhere to be seen. Sighing I crouch to the ground. Damn it.

"What are you doing?"

Looking up I see black Haru looking down to me with his arms folded.

"You're stupid you know, Haru considers you a burden"

"I don't believe that" I say shaking my head.

"What's so good about him?!" Black Haru demands and lifts me up "Huh!?"

"Haru is such a good person, he doesn't deserve to have a personality like this! Like you even!" I demand back.

"You'll regret that in the future!" 

"I don't care, because I like Haru!!" 

His hand loosens on me and he frowns, he pulls me to him and puts his lips onto mine.

He pulls away from me and I see that Haru is back to normal and a small blush is formed on his face.

"S-Sawako?" he asks

I stand there in shock, my hands covering my mouth, my cheeks bright crimson.

My first kiss!! 

{Author's Note: I know you can do whatever you want to me for not updating sooner. I'm sorry this chapter is short as well! I've been so busy with other stories and reality. And I have sort of lost the plot to this story. But I have some ideas in mind. I reckon about eight or more chapters are left of this story. I cannot promise anything my chickens! Don't forget to vote, comment and fan!! :)}

The Sohma's Secret (Fruits Basket FanFic) ~OC x Hatsuharu {Haru}~ { ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE }Where stories live. Discover now