Ten ~ The Jade Emperor

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Walking the corridors of Kaibara High School alone I carry a stack of papers which the teacher gave me to take to the main office.

I have been very quiet about the Sohma's. I haven't even spoke a word to them about it either. Shin hasn't found out anything yet, I don't think he would understand if anyone did tell him.

"Hey Sawako" Haru appears in front of me with Yuki beside him.

"Good afternoon Miss Sawako, how have you been today?" Yuki gives me a smile.

"Hi, I've been fine just a little busy" I say lifting up the papers slightly.

"Here" Haru takes some papers off the top of the pack of the stack "I'll carry some so it is lighter, well, show the way"

"Ah right!" I say and bow slight to Yuki "We will see you later then"

"I really wish I could help you out Miss Sawako but I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend, so I'll see you soon"

Yuki walks past me and Haru as we start to walk towards the office.

"How is Shin?" Haru asks bringing up a conversation.

"He is okay, he is enjoying school now and is getting excited about dad returning home" I say.

"At least he is happy" Haru says. "You must realy adore him"

"I love him" I say "I don't think I have truly loved anyone else apart from him, dad and mum"

"No boyfriends then?" Haru asks.

I shake my head "I did once, he asked me out one day and we were together for a while, but that's when we were really young, he called me weird in front of everyone and said there was no way in hell he would ask me out. I really liked him but you know"

"You must of been really upset that day" Haru says.

"I was but I got over it quickly. I knew it was too good to be true. I was always called ugly and weird after that day and I was bullied a lot but I still had some friends who trusted me but... they weren't true"

"Ya know, my first love was Yuki" Haru says trying to change the subject to stop me from begin sad.

I blinked in surprise "H-Huh?"

"I'm not gay or anything you can get that out of your brain!" Haru demands "You have heard the zodiac story haven't you?"

I nod once. I remember it well and clear.

"Well, I always hated Yuki as a kid, because the rat rode of the ox's back to sneak into the gathering, everyone thought the ox was stupid. I hated being called stupid, I trained harder. I had never met the rat before until one day I saw him sitting at the window. I confronted him by yelling. But, Yuki asked me if I thought I was stupid. He made me see I wasn't truly stupid. That's why he was my first love"

The story touched my heart. It must be a really good friendship between the two of them.

We reach the office, we hand in the papers and start heading towards the front doors of the school to go home.

"Going to collect Shin?"

I nod "Hai (yes). We should be getting home after that as well. We need to water our white roses"

"I see, well catch ya later then" He says walking off.

"Sayonara (Goodbye)" I say.

Shin walks beside me looking around as walk home.

"Onee-San! I want onigiri (rice balls)" Shin says.

"I'll make you one for a snack before dinner" I say "Are you going to water the roses?"

"Hai! (yes!)" He says and he slows down slightly "Ah Onee-San, that person is staring at you!"

I look over to see where Shin was looking and I saw a person standing not far from us. He looks, a bit like Yuki.

Wait, is that...

The Jade Emperor!!!

The guy walks towards us hands in his pockets "It's nice to meet you I'm Akito Sohma"

He really is the Jade Emperor.

"I heard from a little someone that you are familiar with some of the Sohma family and the secret we are hiding" He says and walks past me "I'll be keeping an eye on you. Sawako"

The wind breeze blew hard as Akito walked by. Turning around I watch Akito disappear into the distance.

How did he... my hands are shaking.

Crouch down I look over to Shin "Get on! We are going to visit Tohru"

Running down the road I hold onto Shin's legs tightly as Shin has his arms wrapped around my neck firmling but light enough so I can breath.

"Onee-San, I'm scared" Shin says.

"It's okay, I'm here" I say as I start panting. I have never been a fit runner. I mainly jump.

"Miss Sawako" Yuki says alarm as I stand in there living room panting.

Tohru, Kyo, Shigure, Momiji and Haru all sat there.

I go to my knees and Shin falls of my back beside me. "Onee-San, you're fast"

"I don't think I have ever ran that fast before in my whole life" I say.

Haru places a hand on my back as Tohru passes me a cup of water.

"Thank you" I say downing it.

"What happened Sawako?" Momiji asks.

"A-Akito" I say since that was all I could get out for the moment as I downed the water.

"Akito?" Kyo asks.

"H-He knows I know!" I say "And he knows my name"

"He scares me!" Shin demands.

"Please relax Sawako" Tohru says.

"Thank you" I say nodding

"Are you okay Sawako?" Haru asks as he carries Shin on his shoulders again and we walk back to my home.

"I think so" I say "Just a little shocked"

"Akito can be quite intimidating" Haru says.

"He seems really scary!" Shin says "Onee-San I still want onigiri! (Rice balls!)"

"But you had dinner" I say "I'll make some for dinner tomorrow.

Reaching the house Shin rushes straight in without thanking Haru.

"Thanks for carrying Shin" I say "Thanks for walking us home as well"

"No problem" He says "I'll see you tomorrow for sure then"

"Hai (yes)" I say nodding.

"And Sawako" He starts.

I look at him "Hmm?"

"I think you should stick with me for now" He says.

I nod "Hai!"

The Sohma's Secret (Fruits Basket FanFic) ~OC x Hatsuharu {Haru}~ { ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE }Where stories live. Discover now