Getting Stronger

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It took a couple minutes, but Evie finally fell asleep for about a hour and a half peacefully.

When Evie woke up she found herself in Jay's arms and a kiss being pressed to her forehead. Evie smiled as she slowly rose her head from Jay's chest. "Good morning princess" Jay said.

"Morning" Evie said.

"How you feeling" Jay asks.

Evie shrugged and said " fine"

"You hungry" Jay asks as he took one of her hands in his and grazed it with his thumb.

Evie sighed and said "a little"

"Do you want to go get some food or go on a walk" Jay asks.

Evie looked down at her leg sadly and said "I can't walk"

Jay kissed her cheek and said "I can help you, don't worry"

Evie shook her head sadly "I don't want help. I just want to be normal." Evie said as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Hey, hey don't cry" Jay said as he wiped her tears away.

Evie's shoulders shook slowly and she sniffled "no one could ever love me now"

Jay hugged Evie and whispered "yes, they could Evie. I love you. please don't cry"

Evie lifted her head and said "you do?"

"I do" Jay said as he kissed her hand.

Evie smiled lightly and her cheeks blushed. She looked down at the ground and tried to hide it. She felt fingers on her chin and lift her head up. She felt a tingly feeling through her whole body as her cheeks became redder. She felt Jay hand carefully cup her cheek as his breath lingered close to her face as he leaned in slowly. The she felt the most magically thing ever his lips against hers.

Jay pulled apart from Evie and he saw her smile the biggest he ever did in a very long time. Jay picked Evie up and cradled her in his arms as he walked to her wheelchair. (Technically she could use crutches, but the doctors didn't want her to quite yet because she still was weak and would get tired faster.)

"Where are we going" Evie asks.

"Well, my princess" jay said "first of all we are going to get some food and then we are going to go on a walk through the garden"

"Ok" Evie said as they made their way to the kitchen. When they got there Evie suggested "We should bake something"

"Ok what do you wanna bake" jay asked eager for Evie to actually do something.

Evie shrugged.

"How about we bake cookies" jay suggested

"Sure there is a cookbook on the top shelf" Evie said pointing to it.

Jay grabbed the book and flipped to a page. Jay picked Evie up and sat her on the counter. "Now you can help me" jay said as he kissed her cheek.

Evie smiled as she grabbed the book. Once they got all the ingredients in they started to mix it. The bowl was on Evie's lap as she held the wooden spoon in one hand and started to move it in circles, but soon the batter got thicker and was harder to mix. (Since Evie's arms were still mainly bones and not a lot a muscle she couldn't move it very far.)

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