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I see his handsome face light up the screen of my laptop and grin.

"Hey!" I exclaim, giggling.

"Hey there! How's London been treating you?" Stiles asks, his cute little smile on his lips.

"It's so beautiful....It'd be better if you were here." He smiles at me softly.

"Baby, I love and miss you very much, you know that. Right now skyping is the best we can do."

"I know," I sigh, "I love and miss you too." We started saying I love you about a month into our relationship. It seems early, but there was nothing I was more sure about than knowing I loved him.

I squint as I realize he's not in his bedroom, the background was different. "Whatcha squinting at, cutie?" He asks.

"Where are you? You usually skype me when you're in your room."

He laughs a little, "You're very observant."

"Yeah... But you didn't answer my question!" I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Why don't you open that door of yours and find out." I stopped breathing as he looked at me expectantly. My jaw drops and I glance from the door and then back to him. I do this a couple of times before he laughs, "Come on, then."

I get up slowly, leaving the laptop on my bed, facing the door.

I wriggle my toes into the carpet before slowly twisting the door knob and opening the door. I sigh in disappointment when no one is there.
Turning back to face the camera I pout, "That's cruel you kn-" I'm cut off as hands wrap around my waist and spin me around.

Stiles' handsome face is right in front of mine and I stop breathing again. He grins and does some jazz hands as I stare blankly at him.

Dropping his arms, he brings one of them up to his neck and scratches it, "Aren't you happy to see me?"

I scream, scaring him, before tackling him in a hug.

We fall to the floor, halfway in my room and halfway in the hallway. "How" kiss "did" kiss "you" kiss "get" kiss "here?"

He's laughing as he grins up at me. "You're brother bought me a ticket."

I give him a shell shocked look and he nods, "I know right?! But he mentioned how sad you were that I wasn't with you, and that it was partially his fault so he brought me here. He still doesn't like me, but he loves you so.."

I hug him again, "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Don't have sex in the hallway." Ahh, good old Jackson.

This is officially the end of The Other Whittemore. Thank you so much to everyone who read, voted, and commented on my book. 

At the moment, my story has 117k reads, 4k votes, and 866 comments. 

All of you are incredible. With this story completed I can focus on my others, especially Prisoner 224 and To Love An Argent, (I'll be finishing Google soon.)



The Other Whittemore // Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now