Chapter 3: Second Chances

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Clarey's pov

Walking into school this very fine Monday morning, puh-lease, the last thing I expected to see was Allison rushing towards me. 

She grabbed my arm and pulled me back out of the front door that I just went through and onto the front steps.

"Im freaking out." Allisons says as she begins to pace in front of me. I nodded slowly, still not sure why she is freaking out. I begin to open my mouth to say something when she continues,"Should I forgive Scott and give him a second shot or just stop now?" She questioned. 

I sighed before shrugging, "I dont know. I'm also Scott's friend and I don't want you to think my opinion is bias or whatever." 

She nodded and gave me a smile, "Alright. Thanks, and by the way I love your outfit." I looked down at my outfit; an auburn colored sweatshirt that had hipster across it, ripped skinny jeans, auburn colored converse, and auburn colored beanie with the word reckless on it and an infinity ring.

I smiled at her in thanks and complimented her outfit too. With that we went back inside and to our seperate classes.

Stiles' pov

"So Allison is giving you a second chance?" I asked Scott as we were in the locker rooms getting ready for pratice.

He nodded, "Yeah." 

I smiled at him,"Right, so then everything is good. Awesome. One problem solved." I was about to continue getting ready when his voice stopped me.


I gave him a questioning look, "No?

"Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them." Scott said. I gawked at him, "Her dad?" 

"Shot me." Scott said as he stared at the wall, most likely picturing the night of the full moon.

"Allison's father?" I asked him again.

"With a crossbow."

"Allison's father?!" I asked again my mind not fully comprehending what he was saying.

"YES HER FATHER! Oh my God, what am I going to do? Oh my God!" Scott began to panic.

I grabbed his shoulder and shook him a bit, "Hey! Calm down, it's fine. He didn't recognize you right?"


Walking out to the lacrosse field I caught sight of Clarey. The most beautiful girl in the world. Smiling, I turned toward the bench and sat down in my usual place.

"Hey Jackson, take a long stick today!" Coach yelled. I rolled my eyes at the mention of that egotistic jerk. Who happens to be Clarey's brother. 

Everyone lined up and, one by one, they ran towards Jackson trying to make a shot.

"Take a lap Greenburg!" Coach shouted. I heard laughing and turned to see Clarey laughing at Greenburg, "Faster Greenburg!" She shouted standing up and grinned wildly.

I couldnt help but chuckle at her adorableness. Making eye contact with her she smiled and waved. I waved back before turning in my seat giving a subtle fist pump.

"McCall! What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

I snapped my head up to look at Scott, who started running. Jackson knocked him over. "Ouch." I mumbled, before chewing on my glove.

"McCall, hey McCall!" Coach laughed. Scott got up and Coach walked over to him,"My grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead, you think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?" Coach mocked him.

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