Chapter 8: La Bete Du Gevaudan

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Clarey's pov

Lydia, Allison, and I sat at our usual lunch table and I sighed. I didn't want to be rude but Allison's story is extremely boring.

She is telling us about her family history, she had a project on it and felt the need to tell us about it.

"The what of who?" Lydia asked twirling her fork in the air.

"The beast of Gevaudan. Listen, a quadruped wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous, that the king Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it." Allison read from her book.

"Boring." Lydia spoke pointing her fork toward Allison.

"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan." Allison continued.

"Hmmm...still boring." Lydia said.

"Cryptozoologist believe that it may have been a sub species of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid,"

"Slipping into a comma bored." Lydia interrupted twirling her fork around. I stifiled at laugh as she said this because I couldn't help to agree.

"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer that could shape-shift into a man-eating monster."

"Does any of this have anything to do with your family?" I asked twirling my fork in the air.

"This. It is believed that La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature. His name was Argent."

Lydia stared at Allison,"Your ancestors killed a big wolf, so what?" 

"Not just a big wolf, take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you" She asked flipping the book around to show us.

I stared at the picture in horror. It looks exactly like the monster from the video store.

"Lydia? Clarey?" Allison asked, we didn't answer. "Girls!" Allison said louder gaining our attention.

"It looks. Like a big. Wolf." Lydia said with the same expression that I held, before we both stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria.


Walking around during my free period, I made my way to the lacrosse fields to get some air.

Walking towards the bleachers I noticed Jackson standing near them watching something.

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked as I got closer. He smiled at me and pointed "Watching these idiots." He said

I looked at where he was pointing and saw Stiles throwing lacrosse balls at Scott. I laughed out loud when he hit Scott in the stomach, not because of Scott's pain but because of the grin Stiles had on his face after.

Jackson walked away after that mumbling about how they were complete idiots and I continued to watch. I walked away however when Stiles ran up to Scott.

I made my way down the hall to my locker when I noticed Jackson and Allison sitting incredibly close together.

I walked over to them with my eyebrows furrowed."What's going on here?" I asked cautiously. I don't want to offend them if they're doing nothing wrong but I don't want them to hurt Lydia and Scott.

"Nothing sis. Just getting to know Allison better." Jackosn said with a glint in his eyes.

I narrowed my own eyes and sighed, "I'm sure you are." I said before walking away.

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