Chapter 6: Video Store

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Clarey's pov

"C'Mon Lydia I swear you're gonna like it!" Jackson whined to Lydia.

We are definitely not watching a sports movie.

"No." Lydia spoke firmly.

"Please!" Jackson begged.

Lydia tilted her head to the side, ignoring him.

"I am not watching The Notebook again!" He shouted in frustration. 

I laughed quietly as we got out of the car and went inside.

"Can somebody help me find the Notebook?" Jackson asked annoyed.

He turned to me, "Don't you know where it is?"

I laughed again, "No, I may not want to watch the crap movie you suggested, but that doesn't mean I want to watch a romance either. If it were up to me we'd be watching Batman."I said as I walked around one aisle.

" You are not my sister." Jackson mumbled as he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.

Looking up I noticed feet hanging out at the end of an aisle.

I pulled on Jackson's sleeve and pointed at them. Nodding silently, he guided me toward them.

I let out a frightened squeak and Jackson pulled me backwards from the dead torn up body.

We hit a ladder and it busted the lights out.

I was shaking in fear and to make it worse a...thing was moving around us.

Jackson pulled me down behind a shelf and I hid in his arms.

I can't believe this is happening.

Jackson took a look around the shelf and jerked back quickly.

"W-What is it?" I asked scared out of my freaking mind.

He looked at me terrified and shrugged.

Seeing him so scared made me cry.

As tears fell from my eyes the shelves began to fall like dominoes. Jackson pushed me out of the way but his bottom half got caught.

I pulled his arms trying to get him out, "Jackson come on. Help me out we just got to get you free and we can go home. Okay?" I asked, sobbing now.

"No! Just go! I can get out, just leave I don't want you to get hurt! I love you! Now leave!" He pleaded.

I shook my head and kept pulling at him, he jerked his hands away and pushed me away, "I love you too!" I cried as I started to crawl away.

I stopped when I felt fur against my back. I clenched my eyes shut and pressed my lips together to keep a sob from escaping.

I heard the animal let out a deep growl. I whimpered as I felt a claw go down my cheek gently. I opened my eyes and slowly looked up and saw glowing red eyes.

I held in a scream and started to crawl away from it. I met Jackson's eyes and when I saw the fear in them I finally let out the sob I'd been holding back.

I felt the animal move away from and saw it hover over Jackson.

"Don't you dare touch him."  I spoke with a wavering voice. It snapped it's head up at me and when I saw those murderous eyes any confidence I had before completely left me.

Finally the monster ran through the window and I heard Lydia's piercing scream.


I sat in the ambulance, ignoring their questions.

I stared off into space and wasn't actually a ware of the flashing lights from police cars.

It felt like everything was lost in the background. I could faintly hear Jackson yelling at people and Sheriff Stilinski trying to calm him down.

When I heard a familiar voice say "Woah is that a dead body?" my head snapped up and I met eyes with Stiles.

I finally cried and ran to him hugging the life out of him. "I was so scared a-and I-I was...." I said through sobs. He rubbed my back and whispered soothing things into my ear.

 "It had red eyes." I whispered before I let him go and immediately felt unsafe again.

I smiled at him weakly and gave him a nod, "I'm gonna go home now. Thanks I needed a hug."


I shot up from my bed as those red eyes found there way into my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before shakily getting out of bed and opening my bedroom door.

I walked across the hallway and to Jackson's room, "Jackson? Can I sleep in here tonight?" I asked as I opened his door.

He sat up and nodded, I closed the door and ran to his bed and got under the covers. I snuggled into his arms and hugged him.

"Jackson, I had a nightmare." I whispered. I felt him hug me tighter, "Don't be afraid were safe now. No one is gonna hurt you." He whispered back.

With that we both fell asleep.

Stiles pov

"She wouldn't react to anything until she heard you." My dad told me on the way home from the video store.

We were talking about Clarey.

"Really?" I asked shocked.

My dad told me how the medical people couldn't get her to reply to their questions and that she was in shock, but somehow I knocked her out of it.

"I'd say she likes you." Dad said. I laughed at that.

"No way, she is too perfect to like me." I told him.

He just shook his head and we walked up stairs to our rooms.


A/N: Well there you go. I really like this chapter and a picture of Clarey↑↑↑↑↑↑

Bye Losers!

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