Author's Note

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For those of you wondering about a sequel....

I will write one, but only if you all want me too. 

If you do want a sequel, it'll be a while before I publish anything. I want to get some of my other stories completed also and I have a few stories that I started as well, but have yet to publish. 

If you don't want a sequel then, well there won't be one and I guess you'll have to imagine if she and Stiles worked out and if Clarey moved back to Beacon Hills. 

Side note: If I write a sequel, there will be none of the Stalia trash. ( I apologize if any of my readers ship them but that's a no from me) I am not one for dramatics or love triangles so Stiles second guessing his feelings with Clarey because of Malia will not EVER happen. Besides my Clarey is a queen, Malia is a princess.

Also, I love Shelley Hennig and Malia both, so I'm not hating. I just love my character to death.

With Love, 


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