Chapter 2: Lydia's Party

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A/N: I changed Clarey's character to Dianna Agron because she is perf. :)

Clarey's pov

I paced around my room trying to find an outfit for Lydia's party. In all honesty I would much rather go in sweats, but Lydia would kill me.

Sighing, I pushed my hair back out of my face and dug through my closet before finding the perfect outfit. 

I set my outfit down on my bed and walked into my bathroom to shower. Quickly washing my body and hair, I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my self in a towel. I dried off before dropping my towel and putting on my outfit.

A black sun dress with daisies on it, a denim button up jacket with the cuffs rolled up to my elbows, and black, lace up, heeled boots. When my hair dried I curled it and pulled some back at the top. Don't forget the bow, I thought to myself placing a lacy black bow in my hair.

Finally, I did a little smoky eyeshadow for my make up.

"Clare bear! You ready yet?" Jackson called from downstairs.

"Yes!" I yelled back before twirling in the mirror and hurrying down the stairs where Jacks was waiting by the front door.

"How do I look?" I asked him repeating the move I did in front of the mirror in my room.

He smiled softly and rolled his eyes, "You look beautiful as always, Clarey. Now lets go before Lydia murders us." He said sighing. I smiled back at him in thanks before heading to his porsche, and hopping into the passanger seat.

Jackson and I were close when we were younger and I would always follow him around, which got on his nerves, but he would play with me anyways. We got even closer when our 'parents' told us we were adopted and we both felt like we had to stick together because we were blood. Every one at school always thinks that Jackson is a heartless douche but he is such a nice guy and he is so caring, I dont think anyone ever gives him the chance to prove that he is not a bad guy.

"Clary!" Jacks shouted making me jump in my seat and look at him. "You were spacing out, are you okay?" he asked. It was then that I realized that we were at the party already, I nodded at Jackson and gave him  a small smile. 

We got out of the car and headed to the front door. Inside the party was in full swing and Jackson had already left to find Lydia.

I stood on my tip toes and looked around for a familar buzzed cut head. Someone grabbed my arm, making me jump and let out a pathetic squeak. When I turned around I saw the hand belonged to Stiles himself.

I smiled up at him and mumbled hey, still embarrassed. He chuckled and gave me a spastic wave. Rolling my eyes playfully, I grabbed his hand and dragged him outside to the punch table.

"So..." I said breaking the short silence and grabbed us both cups of punch and handed one to him

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Y-you look hot. I mean ni-nice. No-not that y-you dont look h-hot, y-you do-" I cut him off by laughing and stopped to smile up at him, "Thank you, I think." 

I looked through the crowd and saw Allison and Scott dancing together. I squealed slapping Stiles' arm a bunch of times before pointing at the couple. I so called that. 

He laughed and I joined in.

His laugh was so funny and adorable.

"Woooh....come on." I said pulling him to the dance floor. "Your gonna dance with me." I demanded. He looked at me in shock before slowly nodding. A slow song came and Stiles stood there awkwardly. I laughed and put his hands on my waist. His eyes widened and I inwardly rolled my eyes, before putting my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest.

The Other Whittemore // Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now