Chapter 16: I Do Believe In Fairies!

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Clarey's pov

"A fairy?" I groan.

"I couldn't be something cool? Like bigfoot or something?" I ask frowning, not fair.

Stiles and Scott laugh and Deaton smiles, amused. "Well I think you'll find being a fairy is quite 'cool'" He says, making quotation marks with his fingers.

Scott's phone beeps and he looks down at it before announcing that he and Stiles had to be somewhere.

After the boys' leave I turn my attention back to Deaton and nod, "Fairy info?" I ask getting him to continue with his 'being a fairy is cool' campaign.

"The word fairy derives from Middle English faeirie, a direct borrowing from Old French faerie meaning the land, realm, or characteristic activity. Enchantment. Faeries, like vampires and werewolves, possess the unnatural abilities of swiftness and grace." Deaton starts. I guess the graceful part skips a generation, seeing as I can't exactly ice skate.

"Some are even given wings, for instance your tattoo. The magic of the fey is believed to be unique in the world. It is very old and powerful, but neither demonically nor seraphically aligned." He continues.

I interrupt, "What magic?" I ask, confused.

"You will have telekinesis, teleportation, be able to tell if a person has a soul or not, superhuman strength, and you will be able to manipulate reatlity." Deaton lists.

"You said 'will'. I don't have them now?" I ask. He shakes his head and places a hand on my clothed back, where my tattoo lies.

"You will slowly gain each power as you get stronger and when that time comes your tattoo will be complete." He answers.

I nod, taking everything in. "Hey, what about weaknesses? I know Scott is affected by wolfsbane."

"A fairy has few weakness but there are most harmful to them. Iron, it'll affect you like wolfsbane affects Scott. Cream will cause you to become drunk. Silver, but that only affects dark fairies and you are not a dark fairy. Now this one is a bit strange but salt and sugar is also a weakness. If someone spills it in front of you, you'll have the uncontrollable urge to count every last grain." Deaton says, moving around the room as he explains this to me.

"I can get drunk off of cream? Awesome." I say dazed before focusing on the situation at hand.

"Could I become a dark fairy? How does that work?" I ask, fearing the possibility of becoming a dark fairy.

He looks down for a moment, thinking, before looking me in the eyes, "You can become a dark fairy in only one way. Fairies are somewhat like werewolves. A werewolve's eyes will change into a steel cold blue and a fairy will become dark, if they take the life of an innocent." Deaton tells me carefully.

I shudder at the thought, "I couldn't kill someone, let alone stab someone. I can barely get the straw in a Capri Sun." I tell him.

He chuckles slightly, "You do know that's not the only way to kill some, don't you?" He asks.

I nod my head with a shrug, "I know but when I think of someone being killed I just go ahead and assume knife."

The older man just shakes his head at me and motions to the time,11:45 pm. "I think it's best to get home, don't want your parents to worry." He says smiling at me politely. I inwardly roll my eyes when he says parents but nod anyway knowing I had school tomorrow.

"Goodbye Dr. Deaton!" I shout, leaving the building.

I groan when I remember that Stiles drove me here in his jeep, now I'll have to walk. I walk for about twenty minutes when a familiar camero drives up beside me.

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