Chapter 14: Looney Lydia and Rock Climbing

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Clarey's pov

I walked toward Lydia and Allison, it was our first day back at school since the whole incident at winter formal.

"Hey," Allison smiled at me as I reached them.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia.

"The doctors called it fugue state which basically means 'We have no idea why you don't remember running in the woods naked for two days.' But personally I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia answers, making us laugh.

Lydia ran naked for two days while I was in a coma. Allison on the other hand found out her, now dead, aunt Kate was a serial killer and she had burnt down the Hale house.

"Are you ready for this?" Allison asks nervously.

"Please, its not like my aunts a serial killer." Lydia says bluntly, not thinking about how rude that was.

We through the double doors only to stop immediately at the peering eyes and complete silence.

"Maybe its the nine pounds." I whisper to Lydia, who nods and struts away.

I notice Allison's puppy dog look and sigh sadly, "She didn't mean it." I tell her and she nods softly, smiling at me.

I walk to my locker and when I finally reach it my back gets a sharp pain.

I gasp at the feeling and close my eyes in a grimace. Up and down my spine I feel like I'm being stabbed over and over again.

"Hey are you okay." Someone asks, and I met with a cute boy, with a camera around his neck, peering down at me in worry.

I nod and my pants slow down,"Thanks...." I trail of not knowing his name.

"Matt." I nod at him and give him a small smile.

"I'll, uh, see you around then?" I ask, he replies with a cute grin and a nod.


Sitting on the bleachers of the lacrosse field, waiting for Jackson, I notice him talking to Matt.

Matt glanced up at me and I smiled and waved.

He seemed shocked but waved back, grinning.

Soon all boys were on the field and Scott was goalie. I jumped up in shock when he ran out of the goal and tackled the person shooting the ball.

"What the hell?" I ask myself confused, that is not how you play goalie.

Scott continues to tackle people until the last kid, number 14 a.k.a Isaac, and him collide and go flying.

Only then do I notice the police walking on to the field.

From where I sit I can't tell what's going on but when Jackson and I are called to the front office, I figure out why. Picking at my burgandy red skirt I listen to the Sheriff's questions.

"So you knew Isaac's father was beating him?" Sheriff Stilinski asks.

"Beating him? He was getting the crap kicked out of him." Jackson says.

"I wanted to tell but Isaac begged me not to." I said quietly, feeling ashamed that I didn't tell someone anyways.

Mr. Stilinski nods at me and gives me a comforting smile.

"And you never told anyone? A teacher, parents, anyone?" He asks Jackson.

Jackson scoffs, "Its not my problem."

"No, no, of course." Stilinski replies with a shrug.

"You know, its funny that the kids getting beaten up are the ones that less deserve it."

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