Chapter 1: Back To School

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Clarey's pov

Jackson and I drove through the parking lot of Beacon Hills High and pulled into a parking space beside a bike rack.

"You ready?" My twin asked me. It was the first day back at school and he knew I was nervous.  I nodded and gave him a bright smile.

We both got out of the car and I saw Jacks hit a kid with the car door.

"Dude, watch the paint job" Jackson sneered at the guy with shaggy black hair and a crooked jaw line.

Scott McCall, one of my few friends.

Jackson walked away before I could scold him so I gave Scott an apologetic smile, he gave me a nod and smiled back, before I went to find my only girl best friend Lydia.

Lydia walked up to me and hooked arms with me and we walked up towards the school.

"Hey your gonna ignore me." I looked over and saw Stiles Stilinski, standing with Scott. I pulled away from Lydia and muttered an excuse before turning toward the two boys.

"Hey Stiles!" I said smiling. He gaped at me before whispering hey. I looked over at Scott who smiled at me warmly.

"I wanted to apologize for my brother earlier." I said fidgeting with my hands.

"That's okay. You don't have to apologize for him" Scott replied with a nod.

"Alright! Well I'm gonna go catch up with Lydia! Bye Scott! Bye Stiles!" I smiled and walked toward the building.

I found Lydia at her locker and walked up to her, "Ready for our daily outfit check?" I asked her. She nodded. We took three steps back before she twirled her finger telling me to turn.

I was wearing a short sleeved, cropped, button up shirt with lace denim shorts. My feet were covered in my white lacey keds and my blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a few curled strands hanging around my face. And last but not least my makeup was natural with winged eyeliner making my green eyes pop.

She smiled at me and gave me a nod of approval.

"Very good! I was worried you would come in a Batman shirt and some sweats." She said laughing.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Batman is awesome!" I defended, "And I knew you would kill me if I didn't dress up." I said giggling.

"Awe! You know me so well" Lydia said putting her hand over her heart.

"Of course I do, You never stop talking about yourself." I said sarcastically. We laughed and began to head to class.

We arrived at my class and we hugged before she left for hers.

I walked in and looked for an open seat.

One behind Scott and one behind Stiles.

I chose the seat behind Stiles and sat down. Slightly leaning forward I whispered, "Hey!"

Stiles jumped and turned around to look at me. He scrunched up his face in confusion when he realized I was talking to him.

I understand why he was confused though. Even though we are both friends with Scott, we never actually talked to each other.

"Umm....Hey." He said still looking baffled. I smiled at him before sitting back and looking at the teacher.

"As you all know, there was indeed a dead body found in the woods last night."

What the heck? A dead body! Awesome!

"And, I'm sure your eager, little minds are coming up with various scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which mean you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk, outlining the semester."

The Other Whittemore // Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now