Author's Note

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Hey Guys!!

This story is going great! Don't you think?? The Other Whittemore is only going to be season one and two. I may make a sequel but I won't really decide until this story is over. 

I plan on updating soon and I want to give you a fair warning, there will be another character coming soon.....

Now that I have started to lose your attention, because I usually skip over these myself, I want you guys to let me know what you think so far.

Also, I'm trying to decide who Clarey should be with. I'm sure I mentioned that this would be a Stiles fanfiction but I'm also really liking the idea of her and Derek together...

Let me know who you ship!! VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            BYe LOsErS!!!

The Other Whittemore // Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now