Chapter 1

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Paris P.O.V

I was alone now , I left my abusive adopted parents house , I just couldn't take it anymore .

And worst of all my crush who is also my best friend broke my heart in a party , ugh such and asshole. I can't believe he did that , I thought he liked me .


I was getting ready for the party that Eric , my best friend and crush , invited me . This is the first time in my last year of high school that I'm going to a party .

I'm not that party fan but i'll do it for Eric since he wanted to live it up , so i'll try. I just hope he gets the hint that i like him .

I was wearing a black tight dress that reached mid thigh and for the first time I took off my glasses and wore contacts and used high heels .

I let my hair down instead of putting it in a braid or a ponytail like I always do.

When I finished , I quietly went down the stairs so I wouldn't wake up my grumpy parents .

I knew my best friend was waiting outside in his car , he was also a nerd like me but a cute one at that .When I went outside he looked way different .

He looked like those bad boys from the movies , he was wearing a leather jacket , a red shirt and some vans . He too, took of his glasses .

" Hey, you ready?  You look beautiful"He said hugging me and complementing me making me blush . Lord help me . " Yeah, let's go".

When we came to the party it was crowded with drunk people making out and people being wild and worse of all it smelled like sweat and alcohol . I cannot believe I agreed to this .

" Hey Eric I ..." When I turned around , he was gone , he actually left me here and I don't know anyone . What am I going to do for the rest of the night?. I huffed and went on a search for him.

 " Where are you?, Where could you be?" I thought while looking around the place .

After a few minutes , I headed upstairs passing some people who were dry humping and a few others passed out on the floor . 

I was looking for the bathroom after my failure on finding  Eric . As soon as I opened the closest  door I hold my hands into my mouth holding my muffled cries.

There he was , my crush and best friend for mostly my whole life sucking faces with the hottest most popular girl in school , Megan Reid . She was a tall blonde who was very smart , not your actually bitchy cheerleader who bullies you , she was actually pretty nice person, the only problem was that she seemed too perfect to be real .

I didn't know I was crying until I felt the hot tears stain my cheeks . " I can't believe you ! " I yelled feeling angry that he left me in a party where I don't know anybody , gets drunk and starts making out with the hottest girl .

When he finally saw me, he flushed with a shocked expression "Wait Paris I-I'm sorry ! Please forgive me !" He said getting up from Megan and walking up to me .

He had his hair all messed with red lips and marks on his neck . He didn't have his shirt on anymore. If we weren't in this situation I would be eye rapping his body . I walked away from him and was now outside the house when he stopped me .

"  Wait. Look it wasn't what it looked like , I really like you Paris, It was just a drunk kiss, it  didn't mean anything" He said trying to grab my hand but I pulled it away . No way in hell. I know what I saw .

" You know , it's funny. I came to this stupid party because  I wanted to prove to you I was good enough to be with you . I even dressed up for you, . Well guess what ? I'm better off alone. Don't follow me , I'm gonna walk home" With that, I turned around not facing my ex best friend, took my heels off and walked out on the sidewalk tears spilling from eyes.


Now, I'm walking down the road with a feeling that someone is following me. Every time I looked back I was met with the darkness and the low light of the street lamps.

Hmm must be dreaming things . But it can't be , I  can't be going crazy.

After a while , the same sensation came back to me. This time , when I looked back , I saw someone. The stranger appeared male, very tall from where I could see him. I couldn't pint point his features, but what caught my eye were his blue eyes.

Now I was getting a little scared. Hell, I was scared shitless. The stranger was still and so was I.I mean, what can I do in this situation?. We stayed like this for a while . Neither of us moving, until I decided to run.

There is no way I will be kidnap tonight! I thought while running.I looked back, and noticed that the stranger stayed in his previous position, watching me intently.  

I ran faster, this time not daring to look back. I was scared. Afraid of what would happen if this stranger takes a hold of me, what would he do to me . I can't let him find me ,I have to hide.

Finally , while looking for a place to hide, I found an alley and ran to a nearby dumpster. I know dirty,smelly but the best way to hide, didn't got no where else to go.

" I'm safe here, I'll just wait until it's safe for me to get out and go back home to my lovely parents" I said with full sarcasm on lovely , they don't even love me . 

I then slowly turned around and released the breathed I've been holding. When I look up I'm surprised to see the stranger with blue eyes in front of me . Suddenly I'm frozen in place as he slowly walks up to me . He comes closer , inches apart from each other, bright eyes locked with mine.  He reached my neck and whispers:

" This won't hurt a bit love " The stranger then bites my neck making me scream in pain. Feeling my eyelids heavy I slowly succumb in to the darkness. 

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