Chapter 12

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Hey my gumdrops !!Before I continue with the story I would like to dedicate this chap to rolnique and my bestiessssss Nicole,Alexa,Lis,Ahisha and Janice thanks for being there for me .Another thing is that I want people to comment pleaasssseee with chocolate and cherry with sprinkles on top ?!!!! Anyway heres chapter 12!!!

Jaydens POV

After marking her and making her full vampire I let her rest on our bed . "Goodnight ,my doll"I said kissing her forehead and cheek.She stirred to the other side smiling .I left her and went back for a little hunt to feed her when she wakes up .

Paris POV

"Paris.....PARIS!!" I heard a voice yelled until I felt a sting in my cheek." WTF CHRISTY?!!! " I yelled at her touching the cheek she just smaked ."Ooops ...sorry I thought Jayden killed you so I had to make sure you were alive !" She said snickering "What happen yesterday and what did Luke did to you when you left ?!" I asked getting up from the bed .I was feeling pretty ichy in my throat , I felt like scratching it but it still burned me .Then I felt thirsty .What the hell is going on with me ?! " Ohh nothing he just marked me thats all .....hey are you okay ?".Christy asked ."I ...I "I tried to speak but somehow I lost my voice and I only let out a yelp ."Dont worry I'll bring Jayden "She said running down the steps with her "new powers" then came back with him holding some glass with red liquid in it. It smelled good,Jayden came running to me with the glass with red liquid .I dont know what it is but its driving me crazy .He chuckled and handed me the glass but I declined " Come on darling you gotta drink it or else your throat is gonna hurt more "He said putting the glass on my mouth without letting me reply .I drank the delicious red liquid in an instant .Soon after the pain in my throat was gone and I felt 10 times better. "Thanks .So what was that?" I asked curious to what I just drank . "Dont worry about that ok ? Now the important thing is that your MINE!!!" He yelled while picking me up and twirling me around"STOP JAYDEN IM GOING TO PUKE!!!" I screamed while laughing .I kinda have to admit im having the best time ever since Jayden had kidnapped me. After a while of Jayden twirling me around non-stop we whent down stairs to eat breakfast .I ran around and said hi to Lily and Darcy and then took a plate of eggs ,bacon,sausages and pancakes and sat down on he round table with Luke and Christy

We chatted until Jayden walked down the stairs with a black leather jacket ,red shirt and some black jeans .He reminded me of a biker with the leather jacket and that look he gave me was more like a badboyish look..but ohh well.

Throught the day I sence something was alittle off about Jayden .He wouldnt speek to me or would acknowledge my presence .I was getting annoyed by it .One second he is happy and the next he is all isolated or something and it was my job as a "soulmate" to make him feel better. "Jayden are you okay ? Whats wrong ?"I asked sitting on his lap . He moved his face to look at me but didnt utter a word . He was hiding something from me and I dont like it . I got up from his lap and walked up the stairs .I quickly changed in one of my big shirts and put on some of my yoga pants and sandels .I took my phone and ipod and headed downstairs ."Where are you going?"Jayden asked for the first time since he was quiet this whole evening . "Somewhere!"I yelled before slamming the door shut behind me .

I walked and walked in the forest not caring if I get lost ,I dont care as long as Im far away from Jayden as possible. I put on my headphones and put on some instrumental music .That would calm my nerves and anger for a few minutes . After walking for hours ,plus relaxing I seem to forgot I was lost . Oh shit im lost ! How the hell im I supposed to find my way home ?!! I kept rambling while walking straight somewhere until I bumped into a hard wall ..wait how can they be walls in a forest? I fell on the floor on my bumm. "What the hell ?!! Can you not see wher your going!" I yelled at whoever the person or thing was . Then I heard a laugh. A manly laugh . I looked up to see some guy with short brown hair. 

When the guy moved his face to see me he had the most brightest mint green eyes I have ever seen ."Maam ..uhh are you ok ?"The stranger guy said waving  his hand on my face "Oh sorry stranger ...I mean uuhhh whats your name?"I asked the hot stranger .He had a thick jaw line and shows his dimples when he is smiling at me "My name is Brandon and you beautiful young lady ?" He said streching his hand so he could get me up.  " umm Paris " I said grabbing his hand as he pulls me up "I like it ..hey you seem pretty lost want to come to my house for the night ?Is getting late "He said motioning to the sky .It is getting pretty late and dark ..but wait im not going with a hot guy to his house ! My foster parents use to tell me not to talk to strangers but hey im lost so he is helping. "Okay" I said following him to the forest ...

Jayden's POV

" WHERE THE HELL IS SHE ?! " i growled slamming my fists on the table breaking it in half . "I told your ass not to ignore her ,not in the state she is "Christy hissed at me

.I growled and punched the wall just because I do not want to hit a girl

,especially Luke's mate ."SHUT THE FUCK UP CHRISTY !!! " I said breathing hard . "Siii-iir " Darcy's voice said poking my shoulder softly . " WHAT?! " I said through clenched teeth "Ummm ..Lily is missing sir .I coudnt find her anywhere." Darcy said scared and panic on her voice I took a deep breath and walked to the door . "Whe-whe where are you going sir?" Darcy asked walking behind me . "Im going to look for my mate .and then your sister "I said as she followed behind me in the forest ." What are you going to do with my sister?"Darcy asked as I turned around and faced her ." Im going to kill her "

Pretty shocking yeah mates ?!! anyway I want alot of comments or else no more chapters atleast 5-10 thats all ! excuse errors and until next time !

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