Chapter 5

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This is the edited version of this chapter, next chapters are the original version so they will be confusion. You have been warned.

Paris P.O.V

"Miss Paris....Miss...." I heard a faint voice with light tapping of my shoulder. I don't have time for this.After all that bull that happened yesterday. 

" What is it now?" I asked clearly annoyed. Rubbing my eyes I get up from the bed and notice Lily and Darcy with towels and bathroom supplies. 

They were waiting by the entrance of the door wide eyed. 

" I'm sorry to disturb your slumber Miss Paris but Master Jayden has told us to bring you these supplies for your shower" replied Lily while shyly walking towards me with the towels and extra toiliteries. 

"Gee how can you even work for that guy?" I asked grabbing my stuff. How can they stand him and his stupidity. The nerve of the guy.

" Well for your information, he actually saved us from near death, so he isn't actually a bad guy" spat Darcy. " And you should be quite grateful that he saved you from that horrible life you had, so I suggest you stop your whining and rather enjoy your new life"

" We will get going. Sorry about Darcy's behavior, she is very fond of Master Jayden. He will be waiting for you downstairs, the bathrooms is on the left wing" rushes Lily as she hurriedly pushes Darcy out of the room.

What a beautiful way to start the day. I know now no to mess with her.

Now lets get to showering


" Well we meet again old friend" I say as I look at myself in the mirror. 

It's been so long since I have seen my face and my body... God where did I go wrong? I look horrible.

How come some gorgeous vampire guy would fall for this. He Is a mess I tell ya.

Wait  a minute... I squint in the mirror and notice a small window on the top of the bathtub.

Could it escape?

Quick I should run before anyone finds out

I rush to the window and tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Dammit I have to break it . I hurridly checked the bathroom for any sharp or heavy objects and found  nothing but the  long mirror. 

Gosh I'm going  to  get caught. I don't care as long as I'm out of here.

I turn on the faucet to make it seem as if I'm really taking a shower and went to pick up the mirror to break the window.

Paris hold on for a minute... do you really want to leave? You have a home, you have food on the table, servants that do any of your bidding and a gorgeous kidnapper, well no forget the dude but everything else is fine. If you leave here.. where will you go? You don't have friends or any relatives to confined in...

"Miss Paris ...are you alright in there?" Asked Lily knocking lightly at the door. "Do you need anything?"

Crap." I'm..I'm fine Lily thank you everything is fine" 

" You sure..?" she asked again worried.

" YES I'M SUREEE, CAN I HAVE SOME PRVIACY PLEASE LILY!" I yelled. Darn it , I know she is trying to help but  I'm trying to escape here. She only squeaked and heard her footsteps fading away.

Now back to escaping. 

Pulling the mirror out of the wall , I then push with all my might  the long ass mirror directly to window and heard a huge crash.

Finally I'm able to get out. 

" Paris, what's going on in there ??!!" yelled Lily in horror." Oh no..."

" PARIS! WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE!!! OPEN THE DOOR !" yelled Jayden from the other side, jamming and jiggling the doorknob.

Hehehe fool thought I was going to leave the door unlocked, he got me fucked up .

" NO!! I WONT OPEN UP THAT DOOR FOR THE LIKES OF YOU!!" I screamed back, stepping on the now broken mirror ready to jump off 

"PARIS DON'T DO THIS!! I'M COMING IN" Jayden replied. All I could hear was the banging on the doors and my  heart beating fast. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

This is your chance..... jump

And that's what  I did and trust me the landing wasn't the best , it hurt like a bitch.

Once I recover from my fall I take a notice to my surroundings a bit better  only to see 4 pairs of shocked eyes looking me. Great what could it be this time.

" Who..who are you?" I asked shocked to see new people...In the middle of the forest.

There was a man and woman standing five feet apart from me. The man had hazelnut colored eyes, dark brown hair and tan complexion. He was a bit built and not as tall as Jayden is. The lady had light green eyes and strawberry flowy hair that rested past her shoulders and fair skin. They looked beautiful.

" We should ask you the same" the male stumble with his words.

" Um.. sweetie you noticed your naked right?" the female exclaimed pointing at my now bare body.

Which I'm noticing now... this is fantastic ( see the sarcasm)

I ,embarrassed cover myself  as much as possible, only to remember why I'm here in the first place..

" PARIS! "  Jayden yells from afar side of the house.

Shit is Jayden I better run for it stat before he gets me and locks me in the house again.

" I'm sorry but I should be leaving now BYE!" I said running as far and fast as possible to towards the other side of the  forest . 

Finally Paris you did it , you got away!  Now don't look back keep running!

I kept running for a good 15 minutes until I was sure they weren't behind me.

All of a sudden my clumsy ass tripped  and fell off a small hill. I went tumbling down like  Jack and Jill .

There was this faint ringing in my ears and my vision was blurry, Dark spots were forming , slowly blocking my eyesight, last thing I see is a dark figure towering over my weak self.

" me .."I whispered , letting darkness take over me. This is not how I pictured my freedom to be like.


Well this is the newest version of this chapter, I'm still in the editing process so have patience with me and I'll be fixing the chapters as soon as posible 

Hope you liked it. Don't forget to comment , like and share !!

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