chapter 4

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Hey my little dumplins !! sorry I hadnt updated Im BUSY BUSY! dodilido! anyway heres chapter 4 enjoy yall!

Paris POV

Am I always going to be sleeping while being kidnapped by this guy?Then again , yesterday I wasn't acting like I was kidnapped. Way to go Par, you had your chance to escape amd you blew it .

After a little streching on my arms  I notice a dark figure with glowing eyes out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey , show yourself whoever you are..." Great just great now I have some thing wacthing me while I was  unconsious. Creepy much?

As I grew closer to the figure I noticed it wasn't some thing it was in fact Jayden and appearently with red eyes. Now why is that boy crying?

"I thought I lost you were barely breathing.., you've been unconciouss for a few days now "

"Let me get this straight , you were out there in that corner looking like the creep you are until my behind would wake up? How charming of you" Note the sarcasm .

"Look I'm very sorry I kidnapped you and have been nothing but a creep since the moment I have been with you, I just thought you wouldnt like me for the way I am.." He sighed and shook his head frowning.

" Any normal person would just asked me on a date or even my number , not kidnap me and force me to love and be with them !" I exlamed , finally able to get up from the stupid bed.

By now his eyes were dry and his frown turned into a wicked smirk. Oh great the assholes back.

"Are you saying that I should ask you on a date huh?"

Wait what?

" I didn't ...look I never said you have to ask me on a date it's just the most rational thing to do !" God what is he thinking ?!.

"Well then if you say it like that , Paris , would you like to go on a date with we ?" He asked me while scratching the back of his neck

Oh god why is he so nervous , he should have been nervous when he kidnapped my ass.

On the side note what do I have to loose ? That way I can escape to wherever he is taking me , plus I get the chance to leave this house.

" Sure, Why not?"


Well they say that girls are the ones who take too long to get dress but guess what ? There wrong. I have been waiting on Jayden for the longest time and he hasn't come out yet. What is he taking so long?

Wait Paris this is your chance, go ahead and find the exit to this jail house. But wait Paris, Where will you go? Where in the middle of god knows where I am. Dammit. I have to think fast or else I will loose my chance of getting out of here.

"Paris....Paris....PARIS" I heard a distant voice calling my name. God please no.

" What is it?" I asked Jayden impatiently and quite irritated that he disturbed my train of thought.

" You were zoned out for a few minutes there , are you okay?" he asked me worried.

" I'm good , are you ready to go?" I said getting up and grabbing my belongings.

"Let's go"

" Wait.. where exactly are we going ?" I asked suspisiously.

" Oh.. we are going to the Carnival" He said nonchalant.

Oh goodie this is going to be easy. I have a plan.


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